
Showing posts from December, 2022

My 2022 God Story - Of Footmen, Horses, Floodplain, Tears and Joy!

It's been a long (a really, really long) while since I last wrote here.  If you had been wondering what has happened to me, please be rest assured that I am well.  Although I have to be honest and admit that my 2022 has been quite a roller coaster ride, especially these last few months of 2022.  Which was part of the reason why I had been quiet. Simply because so many things has happened. And I constantly felt like I couldn't catch up with the Holy Spirit. 😂  But as the year is coming to a close (we are in December already, after all), I felt that reflecting and journaling in my God-stories journal alone is not enough anymore. It's time  I pen down my God stories for this year, a memorable year of 2022.  Even though it's going to be huge project, I don't even know where or how to start, let alone what to focus on and how much to delve into. 😅 In spite of that, this is me attempting to write my 2022 God story.  Because of a reflection and revelation I had just this