My 2022 God Story - Of Footmen, Horses, Floodplain, Tears and Joy!

It's been a long (a really, really long) while since I last wrote here. 

If you had been wondering what has happened to me, please be rest assured that I am well. 

Although I have to be honest and admit that my 2022 has been quite a roller coaster ride, especially these last few months of 2022. 

Which was part of the reason why I had been quiet. Simply because so many things has happened. And I constantly felt like I couldn't catch up with the Holy Spirit. 😂 

But as the year is coming to a close (we are in December already, after all), I felt that reflecting and journaling in my God-stories journal alone is not enough anymore. It's time I pen down my God stories for this year, a memorable year of 2022. 

Even though it's going to be huge project, I don't even know where or how to start, let alone what to focus on and how much to delve into. 😅

In spite of that, this is me attempting to write my 2022 God story. 

Because of a reflection and revelation I had just this morning. 

“If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, Then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, In which you trusted, they wearied you, Then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan? (Jeremiah 12:5 NKJV)

Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him. (Psalms 126:5‭-‬6 NKJV)

I was reading from these two seemingly unrelated verses early last week. Simply because these books are part of my reading for now. 

Random verses that speak about different things, right? 

Yet they kept coming back to me - as I was reflecting on my stories and experiences, as I spoke with ppl, or even as I was just talking with God.

And then it suddenly dawned on me. 

These 2 verses, they seem to be totally unrelated but are totally applicable to my life. 

My life story (well, at least up until 4 months ago) has been one that no one would describe as 'bed of roses'. 😅 

Trust me, read my old God stories (and also my 2022 God story later) and you will understand what I meant. 

Yet, in every difficulty and challenge in life, it really was like I was running with footmen (and wearied by them 😅). Running and panting. 

But then, without me knowing it, in the process, as I yield and surrender more and more to God, this 'running with footmen' strengthened me for what was to come - to contend with horses. 

And slowly, I found in myself a difference - the ease to be at rest, both in the land of peace and in the floodplain of the Jordan. 

(Compared to the old struggling, striving, self-effort, self-dependence, this 'ease to be at rest' is so markedly and glaringly different.)

When that comes (being at rest), suddenly my sowing in tears stopped. 

Yes, I had been sowing in tears (oh, in much tears 😫) for a long while, at least it felt so for me. 

I had sowed in sorrow but I have now reaped in joy, just as the psalmist declared. 

I was going about in tears, bringing seeds in my hands and sowing those tears-soaked seeds, wondering aloud to my God - when will this end, God? 😂

That was the low in my roller coaster ride. 

And now, I hold in my hands the harvest (sheaves) in rejoicing. Which is what my 2022 God story is all about. 

Source: Internet

Of course, there are still areas in my life where I'm still sowing (in some tears 😅) now. For instance, sowing for my son. But I look forward to the day when I shall reap in such joy!

In the meantime, I contend with the horses, at rest in the floodplain, faithful in my sowing. Knowing that God will bring about that harvest for me as I yield and rest in Him. He is faithful and He is love and He is good. 

Beloved in Christ, 

Maybe you are running with footmen now, maybe you are contending with horses, maybe you are struggling in the floodplain or thickets (NLT version uses the word thickets). 

You are sowing in tears, yes, but God's promise and truth holds for everyone. 

Take heart, my brothers and sisters. Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. 

Picture that sheaves in your hands, dear ones. Knowing that the day of fruit bearing and harvesting will come soon. 

Let us stand in prayer, agreement and declaration that because of God's goodness and faithfulness, we all who had sown in tears shall reap in joy. 

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