有耶稣, 不害怕
有耶稣, 不害怕。
My two children suddenly started singing '有耶稣,不害怕’, which means "Got Jesus, not afraid" (literal word-for-word translation 😄), as I put them to bed last night.
It was my first time hearing this song. I was amazed to hear them both singing a Mandarin children Christian song. With such joy in their face.
(You can listen to the song here.)
They told me they had learned it in church. I wasn't surprised as it's not the first time they came home with new, beautiful children Christian song.
I looked at my children and said to them, "Mummy has never been to Sunday school before. So, there are many children Sunday school songs which mummy doesn't know. The next time you learn a new song in church, can you come home and teach mummy?"
To which, they both looked at me in disbelief.
Haha, the expression on their face tells me that they couldn't imagine nor fathom the idea - mummy was never in a Sunday school before.
"How come mummy never been to Sunday school?" must have been the question in their mind.
I then explained to them that their mummy, I, was not a Christian when she was small.
"Mummy didn't know Jesus until mummy was 22," I said. And then I paused because that wasn't accurate. I corrected my statement and told them, "No, actually when mummy was really small, mummy didn't know Jesus. And then when mummy grew bigger, mummy heard of Jesus, mummy knew about Him but didn't believe in Him until mummy was 22."
Yes, that describes it more correctly now. Growing up (when in schools and in Uni), I knew about Jesus. But I didn't know Him.
Both my children were still bewildered at this point.
I guess for their whole life, they have seen daddy mummy talking about Jesus, doing all these 'Jesus' things like praying, reading Bible, going church, having CGs and all that. They couldn't imagine a time in my life that there wasn't Jesus in my life.
I suppose, when I pause to think about it now, I myself pondered in disbelief. How those days must have been. Reminds me of a song I always talk about - "Life without Jesus is like a donut, there's a hole in the middle of your heart." Haha!
Last night, when I looked at my children, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of thankfulness.
I said this to my Daniel and Esther, "How blessed it is to know the Person of Jesus from a young age, to grow up in a family that tries their best to put Jesus at the centre at every moment and O, what a privilege it is to learn about this Jesus at home, in church and in everyday life from young."
What I didn't say out aloud was this - "Instead of starting at 22 like mummy."
Truly, the blessedness of knowing Jesus from young.
The blessedness of learning about Jesus since childhood.
The blessedness of knowing 有耶稣, 不害怕 at a young age.
Although, I must say this kind of 'knowing' is only half the battle won. The other half comes with the 'yada' knowing which the Bible speaks about. (But of course, it is anytime better than not knowing at all.)
That you will know Jesus personally and deeply.
That you will have a personal relationship with your triune God.
That you are Christian, not because daddy mummy are Christians. But because you have met with your Lord Jesus Christ yourself.
Praise be to God.
To my Daniel. To my Esther. Your God story has already started and will continue to unfold. Of this one thing, mummy is sure, O, what a beautiful story it is.
Because God is writing it.