My Reflection on Jacob's Life - Part 3 (For parents)

Today, we continue reflecting upon lessons we can learned from Jacob's life. And today's thoughts are specially for parents. 

1. Beware of the wrong labels you have either deliberately or subconsciously put on your children.

By naming Jacob Jacob, Isaac had, in essence, called Jacob a deceiver. That is a deliberate labelling. Ignorant, maybe, but definitely deliberate. 

That's why what we name our children are so important. For myself, even before getting married (in fact, even before I had a potential candidate to be married to), I have known I wanted and have prayed for a boy and a girl. A boy named Daniel and a girl named Esther. 

So choose your children's name wisely. 

Be aware also of your subconscious labeling of the children. For example, when others compliment or acknowledge your children, what is your response? I tend to disagree and say what I felt is more true. Especially in my son's case - I will reiterate his limitations. Often, I caught myself even as I start to utter those words and I made a conscious effort to pause. 

I also find myself attributing certain traits of my son to his special needs condition, when in fact, it is easily something that is common to all children. For instance, my son can be quite clumsy. When he dropped something or knocked over something, at times, I found myself silently thinking in my heart, he won't be like this if it isn't because of... Only to be reminded by my husband that he too was clumsy and broke things frequently when he was young (as with all children). 

I felt God reminding me ever so gently, with the life of Jacob, to remove all labels I may have unknowingly placed over my son. Labels based on his past, his present or what is medically known of his condition. 

See beyond the facts and recognize the truth of who Daniel is - the 'I am, I have, I can' in him. 

2. No favoritism.

Isaac favored Esau, Rebekah favored Jacob and look where has that brought the family. 

Sadly, Jacob did not learn from this lesson and favored Joseph over his other children. And we all know the story. 

I realized that I do tend to favor my younger daughter, Esther, at times, simply because she is sweet, smart, fast and quite a cheeky charm. Reading about Isaac favoring Esau was a wake up call to me to be more careful in this. 

So, I have learned to love my children uniquely, responding to their unique language. And to reassure them of their earthly parents' love for them as well as their heavenly Father's love them constantly. 

3. Operate by faith. 

Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, both operate by faith when they blessed their children when they were old. 

They had not seen the promise of God come to pass upon their dying bed but holding on to God's covenant, they released the blessings to their next generation. 

Hebrews 11:20 By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.

Again, Hebrews 11:22 tells us By faith Joseph, when he was dying, made mention of the departure of the children of Israel, and gave instructions concerning his bones.

These 'things to come' and the 'departure of the children of Israel' - they had not yet come to pass. Yet by faith, they released the blessings, promise and speak of it to their next generation. 

So shall we be with our next generation. Keep faith, hold on! 

May we all be parents who are good stewards of the talents (children) gifted to us. Parenting is not easy, everyone knows that. 

In this season of pandemic shut in where I've been at home with the children almost throughout the entire year, I haven't been the best, most loving, most patient, most kind, most firm mum that I would like to be. And I truly find myself at the end of the parenting ropes. 

I have failed in all the 3 areas mentioned above - I have mislabeled my son, I have favored my daughter, I have look to the natural, present realm and wavered in my faith. 

When I was at my lowest, feeling guilty over my failures and shortcomings as a mother, God has comforted me from Isaiah 54:13

In the midst of my confusion and self-condemnation, I heard this - All your children shall be taught by the LordAnd great shall be the peace of your children, and it brought immediate and immense peace into my heart. 

Source: Internet

Dear parents, are you struggling? Are you suffering? 

Take heart, for we truly have the best Abba Father! Look not unto your shortfalls and weakness. Rather, rest in His sufficiency. 

I now rest, knowing that, as I do my best to nurture, love and train my children, both Daniel and Esther shall be taught by the Lord and great will be their peace! 

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