You are missing Me now

'Irene, you are missing Me now.'

Yes, the Holy Spirit said that to me.  

Last Saturday, I attended an online ministering session by Ps Mark Heman. (Ps Mark Heman leads a powerful Spirit filled ministry called Jesus Encounter Ministry. Just visit his YouTube channel and you'll see so many testimonies of miracles, healings, deliverance, encounters and so much more.) A beloved brother in Christ suggested that I bring Daniel and attend his online session via Zoom, for obvious reasons. 

So, I attended last Saturday's session. 

I brought both my children together with me in my study room. But children being children, they left the room after the praise and worship session, wanting to do something else. I told myself that I will go and get Daniel back into the room when the healing/ ministry time starts later on.

But while Ps Mark Heman preached (he spoke about "making room for God's glory"), the session suddenly went into a time of ministry with people manifesting the infilling of the Holy Spirit all across the different Zoom rooms. 

If you can't imagine how that looks like, picture this - There were about 200 people from all across the world at different locations and different time zones, with unique needs and life stories, attending that morning, watching and listening via Zoom on their device, in their homes. Now, as he spoke, some of these people felt the tangible presence and power of God. And there were many different types of manifestations. Some started singing in Spirit, some started laughing, some started shaking. Ps Mark Heman went from one Zoom page to another and stopping on specific individual's screen. Each testifying of what they were experiencing at that time - heat, uncontrollable shaking, spontaneous tongues etc. 

I didn't feel anything at all myself. 

All I was thinking of that whole time was - Should I go and get Daniel now? 

(And also, maybe subconsciously wondering when the healing part will start 😅)

When Ps Mark Heman called out a young mother whose child has speech delay, saying, "The Holy Spirit has located you. I see him graduating from college.", I quickly went out of the room to get Daniel. All I could think of at that moment was - "must get Daniel in the room". 

He came and sat with me but after a short while, he left the room again. 

When another mother was called out (her son is autistic), again, in my mind, I prayed, "Oh, God, I don't want Daniel to miss being located by the Holy Spirit. I don't want Daniel to miss this. I don't want us to miss this."

Just as I said that, I heard the Holy Spirit said - Irene, you are missing Me right now

It wasn't a rebuking, angry tone of reprimanding. Rather, it was a gentle, loving reminder. 

Reminding me that I was pre-occupied and distracted, by my needs and agenda (my objective for attending the session). 

And I was missing Him, the Holy Spirit. I was missing what He was doing right then and there. 

When I heard that gentle voice, I immediately stopped. The fidgeting, fretting and worrying. And I felt such a sense of comfort and calm, peace and love. 

I still didn't have any outward manifestation of shaking, laughing or anything like that. 

But I no longer 'miss' Him. 

(And I did experience a new tongue in the prayer room later on.)

All through that day and the next day (Sunday), the Holy Spirit reminded me of this sentence I heard somewhere before - Look beyond the gift to the Giver

Yes, I have a need. 

Yes, I went to the session with a need. (After all, almost everyone who was there had a need.)

Yes, it would be most wonderful if Daniel were located/ called out to receive his miracle. Or a prophecy. 

Yes, I went with faith and expectation but I wasn't (and wouldn't be) disappointed if Daniel didn't get located by the Holy Spirit. 

Because, yes, I was secure in my identity (and position) in Christ. And of Daniel's position in Christ. 

Yet, having said all that, I was in the room for something other than God. 

So when the Holy Spirit wanted to impart something, I wasn't able to receive. I was distracted. 

It taught me two things:

1. MAKE ROOM for God's glory.

(Sometimes, we can get so busy and distracted chasing the things of God that we miss God Himself.)

Ps Mark Heman was speaking about making room for God's glory that day. 

And I got a first hand teaching from the Holy Spirit on this during the session itself. No matter what situation or need I may have and no matter what need or petition I may bring to God, I have to always make room for God. 

Don't get me wrong. It is not that my need and petition is not important to God. It is, for He loves me so. But because I love Him too, I gladly make room for His glory.

Make room for what He is saying, what He is doing. 

And just immerse in Him - His glory, His presence, His power, His leading, His works.  

2. Look BEYOND. 

(Again, sometimes we can get so occupied and distracted by our 'self' that we miss Him.)

Look beyond me to my God. 

Does God want to heal Daniel? Sure, without a doubt. 

Is Daniel already healed according to His promise? Yes, the Bible tells me so. 

But the Holy Spirit was teaching me to look beyond. 

Beyond the gift to the Giver. Beyond the blessing to the Blesser. Beyond the provision to the Provider. Beyond the healing to the Healer. Beyond the promise to the Promiser. 

Look beyond my life/ my situation/ my struggle/ my desire/ my ambition/ my pleasure (and the list goes on) to my God. 

Look beyond me to Him. 

I'm sure we all know the famous story of Mary and Martha. Do you remember what Jesus said to Martha about Mary? 

Luke 10:42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.

Source: Internet

Beloved in Christ, have you ever heard the Holy Spirit telling you that you are missing Him? 

We all tend to get distracted and pre-occupied with 'us' at times. And we may unknowingly miss Him. But verily, verily, one thing is needed. Look beyond ourselves to God and make room for Him! 

(In fact, He should be occupying the whole room. Let Him have reign in our room.)

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