
Some of you might have noticed that Irene In Christ has gone into hiatus. (A slightly more than a month long hiatus, at that.)

Source: Internet

What has happened, you may wonder. 

Well, there wasn't much happening for about a month since my last post in end of June, apart from the fact that my children are now at home 24/7 due to the semi-lockdown. 

So, yes, I could account my silence on this space due to busy-ness with the kids, if I want to. But truthfully, I just didn't feel the need nor the desire to write. 

I had wanted to continue my God story - I mean I could tell the story of my daughter, Esther, which is a logical chronology after penning down my God stories with Daniel. But somehow, I just didn't.  

I remember in the month of May, I felt a sudden strong desire and yearning for the Holy Spirit. For Him, for His works, for His leading, for His power, for His working in and through me. 

And I remember telling myself I need to know more about Him from the Bible, which was why I read the book of Acts. (I'm sure no one could tell me that Acts is the wrong book to read if I want to learn more about the mighty works of the Holy Spirit. 😄)

After finished reading the book of Acts, in the months of May-June-July, I was just reading and studying Bible Study notes from Ps Rick Renner's teaching series, one after another. 

The Holy Spirit led me to study his teachings in this sequence: 

  1. The Holy Spirit and You
  2. Why We Need the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  3. Accepting Your God Assigned Place
  4. A Life Ablaze

While reading each study notes, although it did give me great insights and revelations (Rick Renner expounds and explains the scriptures so well from the Hebrew and Greek origin), I didn't receive any epiphany light-bulb revelation from the Holy Spirit. 

(Side note - I would really encourage everyone to study the bible with the habit of learning the origin of the words in the original language that it was written. You can use Strong's concordance or just google "Hebrew word for xxx" or "Greek word for xxx". There is treasure to be unlocked when you study the original word that is used in the Bible!)

And then in July, something exploded! 

Looking back now, I realize that all the promptings to study the teachings back then were all in preparation for the things that the Holy Spirit has in store for me now. 

Although it seems completely irrelevant or non-related and I can't pinpoint specifically, exactly how, but I can describe that period of time as this - 

The Holy Spirit was, at that time, preparing me for a great revelation in July.  

So, here I am, coming out of my hiatus, because I finally felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to write again. 

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