The explosion in July 2021

In my last entry, I wrote that something exploded in July 2021. 

I haven't gotten round to chronicle what happened (which I absolutely plan to) but I'm making sure to keep a record of what transpired. 

Source: Internet

On 28th June 2021, Ps Ashok posted a spiritual exercise to the group

For this exercise, I would like you to first memorize Psalm 16 using the NKJV.

This psalm has only 11 verses and is written by David. Interestingly, Peter quotes part of  this psalm in Acts 2:25-28 and says that David was speaking of Jesus, he was describing the experience of Jesus. 

Once you have memorized the psalm, look at the quote in Acts. See if you can detect any difference between the two passages. I have told you before that whenever you see a passage from the Old Testament quoted in the New, look up both passages; for more often than not, you will receive insight and revelation when you compare the passages.

On 29th June 2021, this was what I responded, word for word. 

When Apostle Peter quoted this Psalm, every verse carries the same meaning, almost word for word, with one exception – Acts 2:26.

Compare Acts 2:26 to Psalm 16:9. You will see that every word is similar, except for the word glory. 

David’s words were my glory rejoices, while Apostle Peter’s words (as inspired and led by the Holy Spirit) were my tongue was glad. 

Years ago, Ps Ashok and bro Eli had already taught us to note the significance of this – our tongue is our glory. (So technically, I’m with a slight advantage while doing this exercise 😄).

I looked up the original Hebrew and Greek – heart, glory and flesh in Psalm 16 and heart, tongue and flesh in Acts 2:26. I won’t list down the words and its definitions here, but it is worth noting that:

  1. The root word for glory (kabod) is kabad, which means ‘to be heavy, to be weighty’. 
  2. The word tongue, glossa, means the tongue or language. 

I also tried to see all the other verses where King David has used kabod in his Psalm. And Psalm 30:12 stood out to me: To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. 

In my Bible, the footnote remark for Psalm 16:9 and Psalm 30:12 says "Glory is a poetic expression for the soul, the glorious part of a man". 

And so, with these points, for me, the revelation through the Apostle Peter’s sermon in Acts 2, referencing Psalm 16:9, is this:

  1. My soul is the weighty, glorious expression of me. 
  2. My tongue (my literal organ, tongue and my language or words) is the glorious expression of me.

Therefore, since my tongue is my glory, I desire to be like King David – my heart rejoices, my tongue rejoices (is glad) and my flesh rest in hope. And I shall use my tongue to glorify and bless! 

And if you want to know why? The reason is in the verses before and after Psalm 16:9 – read Psalm 16:8, 10 and 11 again. 

Then, on 20 July 2021 (about 3 weeks after that), I was prompted to read Psalm 16 again. And that was the spark leading to the explosion. 

On 21 July 21, I shared my explosive revelation with the group as below: 

Yesterday I felt led to read it again. And as I read what I've scribbled on the note about "glory being the poetic expression for the soul, the glorious part of a man", I heard this - your soul is the glorious part of you, Irene. 

I was truly taken aback. 

I mean, I have listened to so many teaching and received revelation upon revelation on 'spirit, soul and body', to know that my spirit is the part of me that is complete and perfect and one with Christ, exactly like Christ. 

My soul/ self (mind, will, emotions), on other hand, needs to come under the subservience (domination) of the spirit. That is what being in the Spirit means to me - bringing my soul under the domination of my spirit. 

I devoured the book of Romans when I received a revelation about my identity in Christ - desiring to learn about the old man, flesh, sin nature, newness of the Spirit. 

Renewing of mind (Romans 12:2), being transformed (2 Cor 3:18), being conformed (Rom 8:30), having the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16), until Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) are just examples of scriptures that come to my mind when I think about my soul.

I have also being taught about Christ consciousness, righteousness consciousness and such. In other words, to stop being conscious of sin and self. 

Well, what I'm trying to say is that, subconsciously deep down, I have categorised my soul as the part of me that is "imperfect, still being transformed/ conformed and a work in progress". 

I picture a hierarchy in my mind - my spirit, first class; my soul, 2nd class 😂; my body, lowest class of course 😅. 

So when the Holy Spirit told me that my soul is the glorious part of me, I was disturbed 😅 I couldn't fathom.

Yet at the same time, such love and glory engulfed me. I don't have the words to describe it. 

Ignorantly enough, I resisted it. (Because my mind is obviously still not perfect, my emotions get uncontrollable at times, my self-will is still too strong too. So that must be my pride, or whatever it is, talking.) 

But He didn't relent as well. All through the night and even as I awoke this morning, He kept on repeating - your soul is the glorious part of you, Irene. 

At last, I just accepted this revelation. I was then overwhelmed with such a sense of glory. How could I not? My soul is the glorious part of me. 

The Holy Spirit gently showed me that all this time, I had (subconsciously) deemed my soul as lacking or substandard, as compared to my spirit man. 

But God created me with a soul, He gave me mind, emotions and will. Surely He gives me that which is good.  

Apostle Paul speaks about God "reveal His Son in me" in Gal 1:16. He was so conscious of the fact that Christ was living in him that it shows so clearly through his life and his writings. I guess I can say his soul is a reflection and an expression of God's son in him. 

Can the same be said about me? About us? 

As I soaked in this revelation, I was filled with delight. Not pride, but just pure delight. 

My soul is the glorious part of me. My mind, my emotion and my will is the glorious expression of who I am. My mind, my emotion and my will should and is the glorious expression and reveal-ation of His Son in me. 

Beloved in Christ, what a wonderful thing it is to be only conscious of Christ in you, and you in Christ. 

Do you also perhaps judge your soul unworthy (or 2nd class), like I did? May the Holy Spirit reveal to you too - that your soul IS the glorious expression of who you are, in Christ.

I call it an explosion because this revelation of "my soul being glorious" brought about a radical transformation inside of me. And I can't wait to share yet another of my God story after this! 

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