The Other Cheek, The Cloak and The Second Mile

In my church's cell group teaching last week, we learned about living with a peacemaking disposition and studied what Jesus taught in Matt 5:39-41. 

Source: Internet

It is something every Christian (and perhaps every non-Christian too) would know. 

I mean, come on, it IS famous alright? (Even before I became a Christian, I've heard of the bible teaching that when someone slaps you on one cheek, you are to offer your other cheek too.)

Anyway, in the cell group teaching, the preacher expounded on these verses in the context of the society in the days of Jesus. (Below is a brief explanation of it. You can read more here, under the heading of "Nonviolent resistance interpretation".)

1) On the other cheek: At the time of Jesus, when someone strikes another person on the right cheek, using his left hand (obviously), he is implying that the person is of a lower status. Thus, by turning the other cheek, the person receiving the slap was demanding equality in a gentle and peaceful manner.

2) On the cloak: The lender demanded the debtor to give his tunic (which is like an inner shirt), a situation forbidden by Hebrews law (Deuteronomy 24:10–13). By giving the lender the cloak as well, the debtor was now naked. Public nudity was viewed as bringing shame on the viewer, and not just the naked, as seen in Noah's case (Genesis 9:20–23). Thus, by giving his cloak, the debtor was confronting greed with generosity. 

3) On the two mile: Back in the day of Jesus, the Roman authorities could demand any inhabitant of an occupied territory to carry things for them the distance of one mile, but not more. Beyond the first mile, the officer will face the risk of suffering disciplinary actions. Thus, by going the second mile, the individual was confronting injustice with non-violent boundaries. 

To summarize it all, our cell group teaching last week was about living with a peacemaking disposition in the face of conflicts, hostility and injustice. Basically, to confront these situations with love and gentleness. 

During the cell group, one of my sisters shared about the struggle of working in a commercial world and the dire need to protect oneself from being bullied or taken advantage of. 

Another sister voiced out her question: She cannot understand nor accept the concept of blindly accepting what is wrong in the name of keeping/ making peace. 

Right at that moment, the Holy Spirit just showed me the wisdom and creativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

In the left cheek, in the cloak and in the second mile, Jesus was teaching us creative ways how to protect ourselves and, at the same time, how to show the other party that he/ she is wrong.

Yes, Jesus was teaching us, in Matthew 5, not to resist/ confront evil with evil, but he was also showing us creative and out of the box ways to respond and resolve evil situations in a loving and gentle manner. 

What wisdom and creativity! 

I mean, who would have thought of responding with offering your left cheek, giving your cloak and going two mile? I certainly wouldn't have if I were to face such situation myself. 

Only Jesus would have that wisdom and creativity! 

Indeed, in the face of any 'evil' situation or person we may face in our daily life, where we are wronged (or where the other party is in the wrong), we need God's wisdom and creativity (not to mention His love and patience as well, haha!). Not only to be able to handle it with a peacemaking disposition, but also to, at the same time, protect ourselves and to demonstrate what is right and what is not. 

Granted, our modern day solution to discrimination, bully/ misuse, greed, injustice, or any evil situation we may find ourselves in in this day, may not come in the form of our left cheek, or

Source: Internet

or our cloak, 

Source: Internet

or going another mile.  

Source: Internet

But I am confident that the solution from God will be the most loving, gentle, peacemaking, wise and creative solution! The best solution, in fact, I may say! 

Amidst all the negativity and darkness and apparent evil in our world today, let us continually seek the Holy Spirit for the best solution in our situation! 

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