You Have and You Know

I recently read these profound and truthful words from Ps. Ashok. 

Our reading of God's Word must lead to understanding; understanding must lead to revelation and revelation must lead to experience. 

Stay in the Word; seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit for He is the only one who is a teacher par excellence.

And as I was reading 1 John these past few days, two verses jumped out at me, bringing to remembrance the fact and the truth that the Holy Spirit is the only teacher par excellence. 

The Apostle John told us in 1 John 2:20, that we have an anointing from the Holy One and we know all things. 

Source: Internet

He then reminds us again seven verses later, that 'the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you', and 'as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true....'.

The word "received", in the original Greek, lambano, means: 

  1. To take 
  2. To receive 

(I would like to point out that the 'to take' carries the meaning of to lay hold of any person or thing to use it; it also carries the meaning of to make one's own.) 

As I read 1 John 2:20 and 27, I see these truth:

1. We have received anointing from the Holy Spirit.

2. Because this anointing teaches us concerning all things, we know all things. 

3. Every child of God only need to lay hold of this (gift of) anointing and takes possession of it and use it. 

The Apostle John was writing about the deception at the last hour when he said these words, about us knowing all things. And indeed, in our day (as many would say, we are in the last hour now), we really need the Holy Spirit to teach us all things. 

But fret not, beloved in Christ, pay attention to Apostle John's exact words. 'But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.'

You have and you know! 💡 

I interpret this as such: I have an unction from the Holy One and I know all things (that is the truth concerning the things of God and all the things in life that I need to know.) 

I don't have to grope in the dark, trying to figure out what is true. 

Because God is light. 

Because the anointing teaches me all things. 

What I HAVE to do is to cultivate a consciousness of that anointing from the Holy One, lay hold of it and put it to good use! 

Remember these powerful words, brothers and sisters, you have and you know! 

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