My God Story: Part 6.8 - Teachings and Revelations

If you've been following me, then you'd have known that I have been on a journey of journaling my walk with God. 

3 years ago, I went through a dark, night season (I guess one might describe me as going through depression) which lasted for about a year.

I wrote about how God loved and lifted me up out of that season in Part 6 of my God stories. Starting with my pinpoint moment to the battery recharging moment, to the prophetic words I received, God begun a good work in me.  

The Holy Spirit began to uncover the veils over my spiritual eyes and started to reveal to me the deeper things of God. He taught me, both by speaking to me directly and through the teachings of various mighty men and women of God. 

I devoured all the teachings that the Holy Spirit brought to my path. 

And for the longest time, I had a silent desire in my heart that everyone will be able to know of these teachings and truth that has blessed me so. At that time, I had a thought: I should keep a record of all the teachings that have greatly blessed me. If not for anyone else, then at least for my 2 children. I could list (and maybe summarize) all these teachings and make sure that my children will listen/ read/ study them when they are older.

So, when I started my blog, I knew that I would have a post listing down all the teachings that have been crucial in my being "transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2). 

And this is that post! 

(I am only listing the teachings that have been key and crucial in my growth. There are many more, of course, but, unfortunately, I won't be able to list all.)

As much as possible, I will try to list them by the actual sequence that I had listened to it or encountered it. 

You see, the Holy Spirit truly is our best teacher and helper. He knows what was best for me at the best time for me. Although, yes, I have been already following these preachers, but often the Holy Spirit quite literally popped these teachings to me on my YouTube feed at just the right time, when I was ready for it. 

So, if you would like to take time to listen to these teachings as well, do ask the Holy Spirit: which teaching to listen to and what sequence will be best for you. Also ask Him to lead you to other material that will speak to your spirit man. 

  1. Personal Wholeness by Ps David Storer Technically, this is not the original teaching that sparked my revelation. I heard it in person. But this is the closest material online I could find. This teaching opened my eyes to my identity in Christ. 
  2. Mercy by Ps David Storer - I still remember, to this day, what Ps David said about we don't need to climb our Mount Do-Do to reach up to God. The heart of God towards us is one of mercy.
  3. Your True Identity in Christ by Ps Ashok RK - Again, this taught me about my identity in Christ. 
  4. How to Find, Follow and Fulfill God's Will by Andrew Wommack - These are not the original teachings that I listened to (Sorry I wasn't able to find back the ones that I listened to). But basically, the teaching that impacted me expounded on Romans 12:1-2. It not only ignited my desire to be 'transformed by the renewing of my mind' but also propelled my growth in living out Romans 12:1-2. 
  5. Identity In Christ Conference by Andrew Wommack ministries - I love the teachings from this conference! Again, the title is self-explanatory: Identity in Christ.
  6. The Old Self and the New Self by Derek Prince - After being rooted in my knowledge and reality of identity in Christ, I still had a few questions - self, soul, flesh, spirit. This teaching addresses some of my questions.

The 6 teachings listed above are the teachings that has helped me renew my mind in the things of God in the one year after my transformation. I was immensely blessed. 

Having said that, I would also like to recommend these other teachings which were helpful to me (in the area of being rooted in who I am in Christ) as well:

  1. Spiritual Authority by Ps Ashok RK - This teaching opened my eyes to what I have: spiritual authority. Something I only know very vaguely before that. 
  2. Transformation from the Inside Out by Ps Ashok RK - As I listened to this, such a desire rises from my heart to be truly transformed - from the inside, manifesting outwards. 
  3. Freedom from the Orphan Spirit by Leif Hetland - Listening to this reinforces my reality as a beloved daughter of God. 
  4. Self-Centredness: The Source of All Grief by Andrew Wommack - This teaching also gave me some answers with regards to self and soul. 
  5. 3D God Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 by Ps Mark Varughese - This teaching reassured me of who God is. 
  6. Bringing Jesus Into Our World by Ps Martin Steel - The preacher explains about the 4 dimensions in our lives (who we were, who we are, who we will become and who we are in Christ).
Updated 9th Oct
Adding another 2 short sermons that I would highly recommend everyone to pause and listen to it. It's only about 15 mins long each. 
  1. The Divine Exchange at the Cross by Leif Hetland - If you're blessed and would like to study more in-depth on this, you can listen to Derek Prince's The Exchange at the Cross.
  2. The Power of I Am by Leif Hetland


The beauty of technology.

With just a laptop/ desktop (even a mobile phone) and internet, we are able to access any teaching we want at our fingertip. 

I would like to share about the books that have blessed me in my next blog, but in the meantime, I pray that this sharing will bless you.

So, until my next sharing, if you have the time, log on to YouTube, get your Bible, a journal and a pen, and let the Holy Spirit minister to you through the preachers. 

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