What Rai taught me
This Christmas season had taught me a few things. And some lessons/ reflections are natural disaster related. To be precise, Rai (or Odette) and #daruratbanjir related. For one, man can grow ignorant to imminent obvious potential danger. Below is a photo of a Philippines village of someone whom I know, after the typhoon Rai hit her place, the week before Christmas. I remember her telling me that another typhoon was about to hit her place before it happened. But I didn't take heart. Simply because in the past years, I've heard of upcoming typhoon at her area so often that I had grown, you can say, ignorant to the news. In all the previous times, it had meant nothing more than heavy rain and water rising. But this time... After the typhoon Rai hit, her kampong is now in ruins. She was unable to get any news about her family and her friends until the next day, to which we gave thanks because every single one of them is safe. But the houses and every material thing a...