Make a Wish Upon a Shooting Star

The other night, my daughter suddenly asked me, "Mummy, can we find a shooting star? I want to make a wish'. 

(She recently watched a cartoon where the characters in the cartoon saw shooting stars in the night sky and made a wish. 😂)

My first response to her was - Esther, we don't have to make a wish. We can pray to our God. 

And it immediately dawned on me the weight of what I just said. 

We live in a world where many people do not have (or believe in) God. And majority of the world do not have the one, true God. 

The world looks for shooting stars. (Or throws a coin into a wishing well.) 

The world seeks to know their future or fortune, always restless and anxious about the unknown. 

The world burns incense, recites memorized words of prayer, makes bargain with a god who give them the things they want in exchange for an offering or a ritual

What a lonely world that is. 

I took the opportunity to tell the children the aspects of our communication with God. 

  1. How we can pray to God for the things that we desire
  2. How God will give us the things we asked of Him when it is according to His will (and His will is always the best for us)
  3. And most importantly, how we can talk to God just like that and He WILL hear us. We can tell Him our ups and downs and He will comfort us. Nothing is too small or too big for us to tell Him. Putting it another way, nothing is too small or too big for Him to listen and care. 

As I was explaining this to the children, I was suddenly so overwhelmed by a tremendous joy and sadness, all at the same time. 

Joy because we have a God who listens to us. Who loves us. Who is so near to us. 

Sadness because the world (or a majority of it) does not have this God whom I have. 

You know, a shooting star is a created thing. 

Beautiful and magical as it is, it is a creation. Not the creator. And when humankind seeks to make a wish or reach out to talk (or pray) to a created thing (even if it is a beautiful shooting star), it only goes to show the longing in a human's heart to commune with the creator of the things of this world. 

I was a buddhist before I came to Christ. 

I remember the days when I used to follow my mum to the temple every 1st and 15th of the month and burned joss sticks offering to the idols. 

The year I was to sit for a high school public exam, I remember making a plea with the god - that I will do something (I can't remember exactly "what" I had promised to do) in return for good grades in my public exam. My prayer was along the line of "If I get X number of A in my public exam, I will xxxx". 

I saw an inherent contract between the gods of this world (which I used to worship myself) and my God. 

What I had with the god of the temple was an exchange. 

What I have with my God now is a relationship.

At that instant, I thank the Holy Spirit for prompting and leading me to delve deeper into the 3 attributes of God - Father, Lord and Creator. 

At that instant, my heart ached for my children to know God at all these 3 levels personally - that He is their Abba Father, their Master and Lord and their Creator. I want them to know and experience and relate to Him because that is the truth and reality to them, and not just because mummy or the church tells them so. 

And at the same instant, my heart cries for a world who does not know, does not believe and does not have this most awesome, amazing, wonderful, lovely, most praise-worthy God. 

Beloved in Christ, indeed we do not have to wish upon a star. Nor wish for a dream to come true. 

What blessing is this? 

That we can pray to God with such an assurance that He hears us (1 John 5:14-15). That we have every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Eph 1:3). That we can proclaim, declare and possess every promises of God in the Bible - they are Yes and Amen (2 Cor 1:20). That all things work together for good (Romans 8:28). 

What kind of a God is this that we have? 

A God who is our Abba, Father (Romans 8:15), Who is our Lord (Psalm 23), Who is our Creator (Gen 1:27). 

To my loved ones and friends, if you have not yet known this God Whom I am talking about, I pray that one day you will come into a personal relationship with Him. 

That you will receive this loving Father in heaven, this Lord of Lords and this Creator of heaven and earth (Who is also the Creator of you and me) into your heart. Because He is waiting for you and loving you with an everlasting love. 

The next time you see a shooting star (be it a real one or on screen), may you remember that shooting stars are merely dust falling from space into the earth's atmosphere. That there is a Creator who created these 'shooting stars'. 

Source: Internet

And that this God who created these shooting stars (and EVERY thing there is, including you and me) loves you. 

He loves you so much that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). 

I am the whoever, so are you!

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