The Three Whos in Our Life...

At the start of Nov 2021, I found the Holy Spirit prompting me to reflect and delve deeply into these 3 foundational questions in every Christian's life. 

  1. Who God is
  2. Who Jesus is
  3. Who I am (in Christ)

Putting aside all discussions (or debates) about doctrinal issues, emphasis issues, end times issues, current social/ political/ worldly issues (and many, many, many issues) in the Christian world, which are of course important issues (I am not disputing their importance), I felt that what the Holy Spirit had wanted me to do was - to look at the foundation of my faith, my relationship with God and my being as a believer. 

What I needed to do was simply to focus on the basic things.

Never mind the argument about right teaching or 'not-so-rightly focused' teaching. Never mind the passionate fascination with end times. Never mind the heated discussion on covid and vaccination and such. 

All these are important and critical, yes. But I truly felt such a heaviness and stirring for me to delve deeper into the basic. To go back to milk (in a way 😂) before I can ingest and digest the meat. To get to standing and steadying myself before I can learn to take my first step. 

Much like building a house on a firm foundation. The house can only stand strong if the foundation is pure, correct and strong. 

Source: Unsplash

And the foundation for a strong Christian life are these - the knowledge and revelation and reality of who God is, who Jesus is and who we are in Christ. 

I didn't understand why the Holy Spirit had wanted me to delve deeper into these in the beginning. I mean, after all my transformations, surely I am a strong house now, able to withstand storm and weather, able to digest solid food. 

Surely I know who God is, who Jesus is and who I am in Christ. (I mean I even named my blog 'Irene in Christ'. 🙈)

I did feel a lil sad at first and I heard the words of Apostle Paul in my head - For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. But I know, that, that was not the Holy Spirit condemning me. He is my Teacher and Helper, not my condemner. That was the enemy's voice trying to discourage and distract me.

And so, I embarked on a journey digging deep into the answers to these 3 questions - the 3 'Whos' in a believer's life. What's more, I have asked some brothers and sisters to join me in this quest, because studying in a group is better than studying alone. 

And little did I know, I had been so so so so so blessed with my little side-track. 

(Yes, I call it a side-track. Haha! Because I had initially planned on reading the epistles of 1 and 2 Corinthians and some books that I had bought. And I had also wanted to write on my next God story in November, about how 2021 has been for me. But, well, all that had been side-tracked. But I'm not complaining - better to obey the Holy Spirit than to think that I know better, right?)

Beloved in Christ, Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:22-23 that the lamp of the body is the eye. If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! 

For the first time in my Christian life, I truly understood what Jesus was saying. Our spiritual eyes is the lamp to our body and to our life. Being the lamp, our spiritual eyes is to bring light to us. The lamp can only function and fulfil its purpose to bring light when we are focused on God alone. If we let external things cloud the lamp, there can be no light. 

If what is supposed to be light (lamp is supposed to give light) is actually absent of it, that darkness is truly great and truly sad. 

Therefore, let us focused on God, on the things of God! Let our lamp be good and our whole body be full of light! 

I look forward to my November and my December being full of light, as I focus the lamp of my body on the 3 'Whos'. 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, would you join me? 

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