God, my Creator

Last month, my family and I went for a short vacation at a nearby beach resort. 

One morning, as we were walking on the beach towards the sea, I paused in my track. Looking at my husband and my children walking ahead of me, taking in the view in front of me, these words from Genesis 1 came to mind. 

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 

Then God said... and it was so.

Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

This is not from a fiction story (as many may like to believe). This IS how God created. 

The world and everything therein. Including you and me. 

And I must point out 2 things:

  1. The retelling of creation in the first book in the Bible ends with this verse Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good (Genesis 1:31). 
  2. Something we all already know - how God created everything (from the light to the sea to the plants to the living creature): Then God said. 

I remember looking at the clear blue beautiful sky, the white clouds, the clear brown beautiful sand, the green luscious trees, the clear sea water and the 3 beautiful people walking with me, and thought to myself, God, You are the Creator! And indeed everything He has made is very good. 

My heart was instantly filled with such thankfulness and awe. Throughout the rest of the day, I found myself bursting with an awareness of how much I am being loved. How much we all are being loved. 

A few days after this incident, coincidently, I was prompted to reach out to a sister in Christ. 

And the amazing thing is, sometimes the Holy Spirit just stirs you to do something out of the blue, doesn't He? And He can use literally anyone to comfort or edify another one in the family of Christ. This sister of mine is across the ocean away from me but that doesn't stop the Holy Spirit from telling me to give her a call. 😅

As we were talking, the Holy Spirit reassured and comforted my sister using my voice but His words. (Truly never ignore any prompting from Him. You never know how you can help encourage a brother or sister in Christ just by doing what He wants you to do, even if it's a simple text or call.)

But what's more than that, was the fact that as I was uttering those words the Holy Spirit gave me, I received a revelation. For myself. 

As I comforted my sister with those words, I myself was edified. 

My sister was going through some discomfort which is medically termed as menopausal symptoms. I didn't know how and where I got this idea suddenly (I sure didn't have this thought before I call her) but I told my sister this:

God creates the woman body to go through menopause. Surely He did not create and intend it to cause discomfort. Much like God creates our body to have menstrual so that our body can grow and nurture our babies in our womb (it is part of the reproductive system, after all, right?), surely women can have menstrual without experiencing pain and discomfort. Because everything that He made is very good. 

So, if God creates my body to enter rest from child-bearing at middle age, then I'm sure it won't cause me pain. 

And yes, we may call that 'menopause' but that's simply because medically, we need a name to address it. That's all there is to it. So much negativity is attached to the word 'menopause' and this has been much spoken about and imprinted in our minds, but is it really so? Is it the truth? 

As I was saying these words to my sister, I felt the Holy Spirit reminding me myself of this truth - Everything that He made is very good. 

Now, have you ever paused to ponder on the awesomeness of everything that God has created? 

1) Us. 

I always tell my children God creates our body in such amazing way. 

Our skin will gradually heal itself from any small cut. Our white blood cells fight off virus and bacteria. Our nose has small fine hair to prevent things from getting in. Our digestive system is created such that we are able to ingest and extract every bit of nutrient from the food we take in. You see, every part of our body is useful for something - elbow, knee, fingers, finger nails...

Now, I know some will argue that some parts of our body has served no clear purpose (such as the appendix) but I'm not here to prove the usefulness of each body part. I'm here merely to remind you how amazing God has created our body. You can't convince me that I'm a product of an evolution. 

2) The world.

The weather, the atmospheric system, the ecosystem, the plants and the animals. Everything therein. 

Have you paused and wonder how plants and animals vary according to the nature of the locations? You'll find completely different plantations and animals at a desert and at a rainforest. 

3) Laws of nature.

And by laws of nature, I mean the invisible workings in the background that holds the everything - gravity, momentum, energy, forces and so much more. We can't see or feel or hear these things yet they are in place and at work. 

Again, how else can we explain these if there isn't God behind all these 'things' that holds the universe together?

Indeed, the Bible tells us about the one through whom God made the worlds (Heb 1:2) - Jesus. He is also the one who is upholding all things by the word of His power (Heb 1:3). 

Have you heard this saying before - Science is the pursuit to discover and to explain in theories and in words the creation of God? 

Just how awesome is God's creation? 

Pause for a while. Stop what you're doing just for a moment. And just marvel!

Beloved in Christ, reflect on this truth: God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. 

EVERYthing was made by God and it was very good. Hallelujah! 

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