Got An Opinion?

In the last month of 2021, I found myself struggling with a decision.  

I wouldn't go into the details of my struggle but suffice to say that I've lost my peace and rest because of this. Thanks to a dear sister in Christ, I was reminded to do the one thing that is the solution to all our confusion - seek the Lord and spend time in His presence. And as I spent time in the Lord, the Holy Spirit reminded me to not let anything draw me out of my position in Christ. By bringing this to remembrance, He restored to me perfect, complete peace and rest. 

The amazing thing is that although I have not (yet) made any firm decision with regards to the thing that I was struggling with, yet I already have the peace and rest which I had lost. 

And not only that, through this incident, the Holy Spirit reminded me of a truth found in Romans 8:1 - there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk according to the Spirit.

Source: Internet

When the Holy Spirit ministered and restored peace and rest to me, there was NO sense of guilt or condemnation AT ALL. Never for a moment did the Holy Spirit made me feel 'you should know better'.

You know how we tend to have an 'opinion' about people and things. And more often than not, these opinions are more negative than good ones. (Yes, we human always has an opinion or a preference and always have feedbacks or suggestions, right?)

Not so with the Holy Spirit. 

He never has an 'opinion' about us. He never 'judges' us. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

When He leads us back to the Way, the Truth and the Life, there never is any hint of condemnation or disapproval or even disappointment from Him. 

It gave me a renewed revelation and reassurance of the way God works with and in us. 

All that our Father does to us, with us, in us and through us, He does in love and in light.

So, beloved in Christ, anytime you feel guilt or condemnation or displeasure, please know that that is not from God nor is it of God. 

The Holy Spirit CAN and WILL does what He does without causing us to feel any of such distress. He brings to light or brings to remembrance a truth, He reveals a wrong or a lack, leads us back to the right path, He comforts us and helps us in our weakness. He does all of that without ever inflicting condemnation on us. 

The Holy Spirit simply does not use guilt or the like to do what He wants to do in us.

So, please know that any such emotion or thought is never from God. The enemy uses it to bring us down, disguising it as 'conviction from the Lord'. And sadly, it is such a powerful and effective weapon against us. Many Christians fall into this trap of self-condemnation. 

You see, beloved in Christ, when the Holy Spirit reminded me of a truth that I have known very well but had, in my distress and confusion, turned my eyes away from, He did it in truth yet filled with grace. All I felt was love and joy and, of course, peace and rest as well. 

Shame was absent. Guilt was absent. Condemnation was absent.

Entering into 2022, let this be a resounding truth for me, for you, for all of us in the family of Christ. 

All that our Father does to us, with us, in us and through us, He does in love and in light. 

Yes, everything God does, He does in glorious light and joyous love. There is no place for any dark thing such as condemnation, guilt, shame, comparison, judgemental-ness. You may have heard people put it this way before - Conviction is from God while condemnation is not. 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, have you got an opinion? 

Know what? God has got only one opinion about us and we all know what it is. 

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