To Whom and In Whom...

Stepping into 2022, the Lord has been speaking to me from 2 particular verses from the book of John. I can sum it up in 2 phrases: 'To Whom' and 'In Whom'. 

1) From the words of Simon Peter - To whom shall we go? 

Then Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want to go away?” But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life (John 6:67‭-‬68 NKJV)

To whom shall we go? To whom shall I go? I found myself asking this question. 

Note that Peter didn't say to where, he said to whom. He was not confused of his journey and his destination.

In life, do we have in mind a place/ a status/ a target/ a resolution/ an achievement to go to? To arrive at? To get to? At the start of the year, it is common for people to set objectives or goals (both at work and in personal life). And from there, devise a plan on what should be done to achieve the objectives. In fact, some people set their following year's objectives even before the current year ends. 

But this revelation and wisdom given to Simon Peter is much needed today - 'To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.'

He knows that he needs to go to and be with a Person. That Person has the words of eternal life. What's more, Peter said, "Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Brothers and sisters, this is what we need to know too. Not just believe it because 'the Bible tells me so', but to know it as a solid truth. Just as we know that the sun rises from the east and sets in the west. 

Know and remember that it is not just about 'what shall I do' but 'to whom shall I go'. In fact, the 'whom' that I go to matters above all else. 

Source: Internet

2) From the words of Jesus - I am the True Vine. 

On the eve of Christmas last year, these words of Jesus kept ringing in my mind - I am the true vine (John 15:1).

As I ponder upon this, I realise that, if there is a true vine, there must be a false vine. And for reasons unknown to me (at the time), I felt such an unexplainable heaviness in my heart.

Towards the ending of the year 2021, I felt the Lord putting this in my heart. It is time to pause and reflect (and thus, examine): In which (or what) vine have I been abiding in?

Have I been abiding in the true vine? 

Or have I been abiding in some other - Good works? Doctrine? Church? Christian leaders? (All these may not be bad or evil, in and of itself. And it can be quite subtle to notice the difference.)

Or have I been abiding in worldly things - Possessions? Money? Education? Intellect? Achievements? 

All these really, in essence, is the false vine of self. And this kind of abiding is, frankly, absolutely futile. 

So, beloved in Christ, 

Know that Jesus never called us to abide in any other things but in Him, the True Vine. 

Let us determine in our hearts and always remember to go to a Person. His name is Jesus. And He (only Him) has the words of eternal life. 

It is still early of the year and still not too late to take stock of where our heart is. 

If we have been going to some other, let's turn and go to Him. 

If we have been abiding in anything other than in Him, let's make a conscious decision to shift our abiding. Shift to the one thing that we've been called to abide in - Jesus. 

Let's be branches in the true vine. And see the bearing of our fruits, for Him and to give Him glory. 

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