In the Kingdom of God: I am klētos eklektos (Part 1)

OK, I know you must be wondering what is this klētos eklektos? 

Now, here's what the words mean: 

klētos = called; 

eklektos = chosen. 

So, in essence, I am saying that in Christ, in the kingdom of God, I am called and I am chosen. 

As I mentioned earlier, I am on a bible study journey with a group of brothers and sisters, delving deeper into our identity in Christ. And today, I would like to look at this aspect of our identity: elect of God in Christ. 

The Greek word translated as 'elect', eklektos, is also sometimes translated as 'chosen' as well in the Scripture. So, eklektos = chosen = elect. 

Before we go further, I would like to first draw a comparison between the secular election and the biblical election. 

1) What are we being elected for?

You know, when one thinks of the word 'elect', to the secular world, the first thing that usually comes to mind is 'election', especially in the political sense, right? 

What is an election then? It is simply a process where a group of people come together to decide and to choose someone for a certain position, by casting a vote.

Similarly, as elect in Christ, in a way, we are also elected for a certain role, or what we would call purpose, right?

So, we see here that in the process of election, there is always someone who is being elected for a certain position/ purpose. That is the objective of an election, after all, right? 

2) Whom are we being elected by? 

When we say so and so has been elected into such and such office, it simply means the person has gotten majority agreement from a group of people for a certain position or role. He/ she has gotten a majority vote. 

The elect in Christ, on the other hand, needs only be selected by one.

And what's more, the One who elected (chosen) us is the One who matters the most!

Herein lies the beautiful contrast between human election and our Christ election. 

Source: Internet

We are chosen. We have been picked out, we have been elected by none other than the one true God! 

And He has elected us for a divine purpose set especially for us. 

You remember the very popular verse where the apostle Paul tells us that we are created in Christ Jesus for good works, Eph 2:10? 

And how can we not make mention of the verse that all Christians know by heart, Romans 8:28-30? And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And having chosen them, he called them to come to him. And having called them, he gave them right standing with himself. And having given them right standing, he gave them his glory (NLT).

Do a word search for 'elect' and 'election' in the Bible and you'll find many references that calls us God's elect. 

The Word of God makes it plain and abundantly clear that God foreknew us in advance, chose us and called us according to His purpose. 

In fact, Jesus tells us this - 'You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.' (John 15:16) 

He chose us! Hallelujah!

Next, would you please read 2 Pet 1:1-12 with me? 

Apostle Paul was telling us this - for this very reason (reason stated in 2 Pet 1:2-4), we are to be diligent and not only add a list of graces (2 Pet 1:5-7 - faith, virtue etc.) to ourselves but also to abound in them (2 Pet 1:8). 

Apostle Paul then went on to warn us in 2 Pet 1:9-10 that he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins. We are told to be even more diligent to make our call and election sure, for if we do these things we will never stumble

To me, it was like hearing the Holy Spirit saying: Be diligent, don't lack these things, don't be shortsighted, don't forget that you have been cleansed from your sin. Thereby, make your call and election sure. 

Notice how apostle Paul said in 2 Pet 1:12, For this reason (reasons stated in 2 Pet 1:9-11) that he will not be negligent to remind us always of these things, though we know and are established in the present truth.

It makes me realise that even though we may know and may even be established in the truth (we may already know that we are called and chosen), but we will still need reminding. 

If the apostle Paul says that he will not be negligent to remind his brethren of this truth, then surely it is good for us to read and to meditate on this truth. And, more importantly, to keep on reminding and edifying one another. 

Therefore, beloved in Christ, let us not neglect in reminding one another and building each other up in this truth! 

Who are we? We are the elect in Christ. 

Who has elected us? God! He voted for us. We are called and elected by the One that matters the most, our God and Abba Father.

What office/ position/ function have we been elected into? We are called and elected for His purpose. (And I dare say, that is the best purpose ever for us.)

So, brothers and sisters, let us be even more diligent to make our call and election sure. 

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