My Covid God Story: Chronology Chapter

Yes, you read it correctly - my Covid God story. 

The state where I reside in recorded 5,007 new Covid-19 cases on 20th Feb 2022. And I (unfortunately) was one of them. šŸ˜…

What happened? 

Well, I think I need to start the story from Wednesday morning (16th Feb 2022), where I woke up from a strange dream. In my dream, I was in a shopping mall kinda place. And I had lost my son, Daniel. 

The first scene I remembered from my dream was me going up this escalator, frantically looking for my child whom I have accidentally lost while we were walking around the mall. 

The next scene was me walking towards the cinema section of the mall, only to find that the glass doors were locked (due to Covid restrictions) and I had to turn back and exit the other way round. As I turned back, I told two of my sisters in Christ who were with me looking for Daniel (yes, they had appeared in my dream out of nowhere šŸ˜‚) that the entrance was closed and we needed to head to the other escalator. We exchanged some words, which I do not remember anymore now. 

And then, I was walking up a slope. In this part of my dream, I seemed to be in an outdoor setting. I saw a big tall tree up ahead. And as I was walking on the upward slope, heading towards the tree, I told God in my dream, "God, I will find Daniel. You will guide me to find Daniel."

And then I woke up. 

Without finding Daniel yet. 

To say I was troubled when I woke up was an understatement. 

God has spoken to me through dreams before. And I was fearful of the implication of what this dream might mean - Something is about to happen with/ to Daniel. And it may not be something good. 

I told my husband and confided in a sister in Christ. We prayed over and rebuked the dream. My sister's words to me was this - 'God showed you in the dream so that you have authority to cancel it and break its power over Daniel.' 

And we put that dream to rest. 

2 days later, I woke up on Friday morning (18th Feb 2022) with a very dry and slightly sore throat. 

Well, when you feel like you're about to get a sore throat, what do you do? Drink lots of water, of course. I did. And the soreness in my throat went away. 

But somehow, I just felt prompted to do a self test on Saturday evening (19th Feb 2022). 

And alas, the 2nd line appeared on my saliva test kit. We then quickly did the saliva test for everyone in the household - my husband, my 2 children and my live-in helper. 

Everyone except for my eldest's kit turned out negative. There were 2 lines on my Daniel's test kit. 

From 19th Feb 2022

So, to my dismay (and disbelief), I started my quarantine, with my son with me, on Saturday night. 

(Now, was my dream just a dream? Was it just a coincidence? You can argue with me but I know God gave me that dream to prepare me for what's coming ahead. Not in the sense that He wants to prepare me mentally or emotionally for it, but so that I can pray against and cancel the bad that might befall Daniel and also our family.)

Come Monday, my helper started coughing and tested positive as well. 

Come Wednesday, my daughter woke up feeling warm and crying. She tested positive as well. 

At the time of my writing, I am done with my quarantine while my children are still undergoing home quarantine. And my husband remains as the last man standing and covid free. šŸ’Ŗ 

But what I really want to say is that God has given me some most awesome and amazing God stories to tell from this Covid chapter! And I can't wait to share them with you! 

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