Got a Broken Heart?

I shared the below quote by Charles Spurgeon onto my social media the other day.  

Because, well, it was such a profound truth - there ARE many sorts of broken hearts, and Christ IS good at healing them all. 


Source: spurgeonbooks

What I didn't anticipate is that it triggered a few 'Irene, are you OK?' or 'Irene, is everything alright?'. 😂

I guess people must have been worried when they saw me (someone who very seldom post anything to social media) shared a quote like this. They must have thought that maybe I was having a broken heart and needed Christ's healing. And somehow, by default, our society associates (or equates) broken hearts to those of the man and woman type. You know, the breakup type. 

(Now, just to clarify before I write any further, I don't have a broken heart, so to say. I'm fine. So please don't worry. 😅) 

But since then, from seeing this quote to sharing it to my social circle to receiving concerned questions from friends to hearing and witnessing things that had happened to those around me (all in the span of less than a week), God has given me a revelation and has double (in fact, triple) reinforced it. 

It dawned on me that broken hearts really do come in many different forms and shapes. Not just the type that is broken by a breakup.

Think of all the brokenness in the world that we live in today. 

Depression, bondages, strongholds, sicknesses, loss of loved ones, demonic influences, worldly distractions, poverty, the list goes on and on. 

Of course, broken relationship is on the list. And not just the kind that is between a man and woman. It includes those between parents and children, between siblings, between friends. Even between nations or people groups. It includes those relationships in the church, in the workplace, in the marketplace. 

So, you see, what we normally (and traditionally) perceive as a broken heart is such a limited and confined definition. There are so many things that could break a heart. 

What is a broken heart, you ask? 

I think it's a heart that is not whole. A heart that needs healing, restoration and renewing. 

A heart that is not whole and has a hole. (You know that song, life without Jesus is like a donut? There's a hole in the middle of my heart.) 

I once had a broken heart too. 

If you've read my life stories, my God stories, you will know that my heart was, at one time in life, truly broken, with a huge, huge hole. 

Good news is this - Jesus is good at healing all broken hearts.

He healed mine.

That hole in my heart was healed, mended, filled, restored, renewed, made whole and perfect by the only One who is willing and able to do so - Jesus!  

He can and will heal yours too! 

Hear what Jesus said of Himself, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenheartedTo proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” (Luke 4:18-19)

So, beloved in Christ, got a broken heart? 

Remember what the Psalmist says: The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit (Psalm 34:18) and A broken and a contrite heart— These, O God, You will not despise (Psalm 51:17). 

He doesn't look at our broken hearts with frustration or displeasure or even pity. He looks at it with love. He looks at it with confidence, a confidence to work a heart miracle. 

I don't know what kind of broken heart you may have today, but Jesus is good at healing it. 

So, there is simply, only one thing to do - give it to Jesus and see Him heal and make new! 

By His stripes, with His blood, in His name! 

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