My Covid God Story: God Chapter - Part 2 (Shield and Buckler)

First of all, God had been trying to get me to read Psalm 91, the day after I was tested Covid positive. He sent so many angels and channels my way to remind me and to reaffirm to me that He wants me to go read Psalm 91. 

And I felt an emphasis on 'read it and get it' from the Holy Spirit. 

Not just read it because 'well, Psalm 91 is the typical Psalm to declare when one is in a dire situation', but I felt God had wanted me to really get it!

So I did (read it to get it, I mean 😅).

Turns out Psalm 91:4 was what God had wanted me to read.

His truth shall be your (my/ our) shield and buckler.

It seemed the Holy Spirit was reminding me this: Regardless of whatever anyone and everyone else says about Covid, omicron, mild, serious etc., His truth shall be my shield and buckler.

And for the first time ever, I got curious about this piece of defense equipment called buckler. 

I mean we all know what a shield is. And have most probably seen one (or more) before, whether in real life or on screen. 

According to Wiki, a shield is a piece of personal armour held in the hand and is used to intercept specific attacks. Shields vary greatly in size and shape and details. In fact, buckler is a type of shield. 

So, I did a search on buckler and found out that a buckler is a small round shield held by a handle or worn on the forearm. It was generally used as a companion weapon in hand-to-hand combat. One online source says this: Its size (the buckler's) made it poor protection against missile weapons (e.g., arrows) but useful in deflecting the blow of an opponent's sword or mace.

Source: Internet

(And all this time, I had pictured a buckler as a shield that is buckled to the belt, because you know, 'buckle'. 😂)

Knowing what a buckler is used for gave me a renewed understanding of this shield that I have. 

1) God's truth is my big shield and small buckler, effective in every situation! 

His truth (His Words, His promises and the real, true truth) is my shield, big and protecting me from all types of far away weapons, launched from a distance. 

It is also my buckler, small and personal and intimate, protecting me from close range/ proximity attack. 

No matter how the attack or weapon has been formed (or is being formed) by the enemy, His truth shall remain what it is - our shield and buckler. 

Praise the Lord! His truth is effective in every situation against all attacks and weapons (Covid or not)! 

2) I need to hold this shield. Tight and Upright. 

I'm sure everyone has heard before that the Bible on our table will not help us, right?

So it is with shields too. No matter how many, how big, how strong the shields are in our storeroom, it does not do anything for us in our battle. 

In fact, even if we have brought it with us to the battle, yet dropped it on the floor mid-combat...Well, I don't need to spell out the consequence for you. You know what that means. 

So, you see, when facing any attack, we need to hold our shield and our buckler (God's truth) up tightly! 

In the face of my Covid attack, the Holy Spirit was reminding me that I need to hold on tight and to hold up right! 

3) I need wisdom to see the coming attack. 

Wouldn't you agree that in all battles, we need to see and to recognize the blow that is coming our way? Whether it is an arrow, a bomb, a long sword, a small dagger or a fist. 

We need to see it so that we can use the correct shield against the attack. 

Similarly in spiritual warfare, we need to recognize the enemy's scheme and weapon, so that we can use our shield (or our buckler, depending on the type of weapon and blow) up against it. 

4) My shield and buckler is impenetrable. 

Yes, this shield of mine (and yours) is impenetrable. 

God has got us all covered! 

And my testimony is this: I did not experience any Covid symptom, as people described, except for the short-lived dry throat the day before I tested myself positive. I believe it is because the Covid virus cannot manifest in my body! Even if the virus was detected in the self-test kit, it cannot cause me any harm. 

There are so many God's truth that tells me so. 

He heals all my diseases (Psalm 103:3), He shall deliver me from the perilous pestilence (Psalm 91:3), By Jesus stripes, I was already healed. (1 Pet 2:24). And many others. 

And I am protected all round by this truth, my shield and buckler. There is no way for the Covid virus to break out into my physical body, causing me any symptom! 

I have the best shield ever!

Well, now that my Covid episode is completely over, I can gladly say that I am thankful.  

Not thankful that I had Covid, mind you. 😅 But that I have experienced personally what Psalm 91:4 says: God's truth shall be my shield and buckler. 

Beloved in Christ, indeed, regardless of what the world says and regardless of how things seem to turn out, His truth shall, always, be our shield and buckler.

May we experience the all-round, perfect protection of this shield and buckler in every attack that may come our way. May we effectively and wisely use this shield and buckler in every battle that we may find ourselves engaged in. 

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