My Covid God Story: Irene Chapter - Part 3 (SNAP! And Come Back)

I wrote about how helpless I had felt on that Saturday night when my child was tested positive for Covid. 

I spoke about my weak point (stronghold) and the devil's tactic to strike and penetrate my faith shield, my joy wall and my shalom gate. 

I recognised what he was trying to do, from first trying to attack me with fear and worry to assaulting me with guilt and condemnation afterwards (when the fear and worry didn't work in the end). Yet I was almost helpless when the tormenting thoughts of guilt and condemnation came flooding into my mind. 

The enemy would have rendered me defeated, had it not been my family in Christ who quite literally fought the battle with and for me with their prayers and their words of faith. First my connect sisters and then my brothers and sisters in Christ in KL. 

Anyway, now that I think back of that night, I realise what I had needed to do at that moment. It was something I've just learned in Greenhouse - S.N.A.P. Stop, Notice, Ask, Pivot. 

I stopped, I noticed, I asked, but, alas, I hadn't pivoted back to Jesus. 😂 

Once I (with the help of my family in Christ) pivoted back to Jesus, I was conscious of victory, shalom and joy. Had I pivoted back to Jesus sooner, I could have saved myself from all those tears and torment. 

What's more, in my Greenhouse Personal Freedom class during my quarantine week, Ps Mervin Jayaseela said this: There is one recurring message in the whole of the Bible, and that is 'come back'. The Bible is God's message to us to come back to Him. 

That revelation spoke right into my heart. We are the ones who have drifted afar and He is always calling us back to Him. 

Throughout the evening after the class, I pondered and meditated on these 2 words: Come back. And it got me thinking about coordinates. 

Source: Internet

Every location in the world can be referenced with a coordinate. 

In fact, even in our normal daily activity, we often use coordinates too, don't we? Think Waze and Grab. (We are certainly not unfamiliar with coordinates.) 

It is a reference of where we are. It also tell others where we are. 

Now, if our life and our heart has a coordinate, what is our coordinate? 

I believe that coordinate is (and should be) in the coordinate of Christ.

Yet, often times, we allow things in life to draw us out and away of our coordinate in Christ. Things that are external and temporal. Circumstances, incidents, others...

Last year, as I reflected on our position in Christ, I realised that we are often drawn out of our position by hardships and trials (among many other factors). And yes, true enough, I was drawn out (rather easily) from my position when my son was tested positive for Covid. 😓

Thank goodness God's heart is always drawing us back to Him, right? 

So, where are you today? What is your coordinate? 

Mine drifted a little on that Saturday night when I saw the faint line on Daniel's test kit. (OK, ok. I'll be honest. I drifted big time! 🙈) Thankfully, I have returned (pivot back!) to my coordinate in Christ. 

The Bible is God's message to the world to come back. To Him. God's heart always desire for us to come back to Him. 

At any time when we realise that our coordinate has gone off, just come back.

At any time we realise that we've been drawn out of our position in Christ, just come back.

The key is to pivot back! 

Here's my question again.

Beloved in Christ, what is your coordinate today? 

If you have drifted, it's OK, just come back!

If you have not drifted, praise the Lord, stay put!

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