My Covid God Story: Irene Chapter - Part 4 (Forget Not)

On the first morning of my quarantine, I determined in my heart to do something fruitful with Daniel. (This is what I was thinking - After all, he was going to be confined within the 4 walls of our bedroom, together with me, for full 24 hours a day for 7 days, isn't it? I told myself to embrace and to relax. 😂)

So, I decided to read and memorise Psalm 103 with my Daniel. 

Why Psalm 103? Well, simply because I wanted to declare aloud Psalm 103:3 Who heals all your diseases. (When you caught a virus or fall sick, that's what you want to declare right? God heals all our diseases.) 

Plus, 'Ten Thousand Reasons' is one of Daniel's favourite song. He was always singing 'Bless the Lord, O my soul...oooo my soul.' So, I figured I should take this opportunity to teach him the original 'bless the Lord, O my soul' from the Bible. 😝

Yet as I read Psalm 103:1-5 with Daniel, I felt the Holy Spirit echoing this verse in my heart (and in my ears). 

Psalm 103:2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits.

Source: Internet

The key word here is 'forget not'. 

I felt Him asking me, 'Irene, did you forget? Have you forgotten?'. 

His benefits, I know. 

His goodness, I have tasted and seen. (Many times over.)

His love, I'm living in it everyday.

But sometimes, I forget. Especially in the midst of turmoil. 

On the night of knowing we caught the virus, my memory suddenly became very selective. 

She seemed to not only recall all the (negative) news and information that I have read and heard before this very accurately, but also chose to focus on these only. 😅 

All the promises of God suddenly seemed as if they were trapped inside a veil (it had felt like that). 

Sad, I know. But unfortunately, yes, I do tend to forget. 

Beloved in Christ, would you spend some time to read Psalm 103 and refresh your memory on all the benefits of God? There is a whole long list of His benefits! 

I beseech you, my brother, my sister, to 'bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all His benefits!'

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