Pauls, Barnabases and Timothys

Father's Day had just passed. 

I had thought of writing about something that the Lord has taught me some time ago about Paul, Barnabas and Timothy few months back, but never did got around to doing that, simply because I didn't feel prompted to do so. 

But now, I felt the time is right. 

(Which explains why I'm interrupting my 'God knows me, God loves me' God-stories to write about something entirely different.)

Why, you asked? Well, maybe because Father's day was just a few days ago. Or maybe, the more solid reason was that I had, at the age of 41, on Father's Day, being adopted as a spiritual daughter. Surprise! Surprise! 😁

Now, I must have gotten you all curious, haven't I - who are my spiritual parents, who adopt a 41 year old spiritual daughter? 😂 

Now, age wise, they are far too young for me to call them dad and mum. But they truly are my spiritual parents who have been caring and nurturing and propelling me forward in my walk with God ever since we first met (when I first went to Kerteh, a new young wife) until now (where I am now already a mother of 2 and we are being separated by the South China Sea.)

But what has this got anything to do with what the Lord has taught me? Well, I'm getting to that. 

We all need 3 kinds of people in our life - the Pauls, the Barnabases and the TimothysPs. Matt Fielder of Kingdomcity. 

Paul, someone who leads you, guides you, teaches you. Or in short, mentors you. Just as how the Apostle Paul took in young Timothy under him. 

Barnabas, someone who journeys alongside you, encouraging and at the same time, building you up. In short, someone who partners with you in the things of God. Just as Barnabas was to the Apostle Paul. 

And Timothy, someone (spiritually younger/ newer than you) whom you, in turn, mentor. Just as Timothy was to the Apostle Paul. 

Such a profound truth, which I had kept dear to my heart ever since. (For some, it may not be something new, but for me, it was the first time I've heard it.)

In fact, ever since knowing this, I have been on the lookout for my Paul, my Barnabas and my Timothy. 

At the time, I was discouraged and had asked Ps. Matt a (silly) question - how can we know, for sure, if we are really called to do what we thought God had called us to do? 😅 

I mean, how does one answer this (kind of) question! 

In hindsight now, it was definitely the Holy Spirit giving me the answer through Ps Matt - He told me that I need to find my Barnabases. 

He had discerned that I had felt alone in doing what God has called me to do. And that feeling of 'aloneness' brings discouragement, which only steal, kill and destroy what God has in store. 

Knowing that God has placed Paul, Barnabas and Timothy (PBT) in my life lifted a veil off my feeling of 'aloneness'. 

Paul is there for me, for a reason.

Barnabas is there for me, for a different need.

Timothy is there for me, for yet another purpose. 

Source: Internet

At that time...

I hadn't found my Barnabas. Or I should say I hadn't recognised my Barnabas. (Mind you, I have been blessed with, not just one, but a number of Barnabases. Yes, God is that good! 💖).

I had known that God wants to use me to minister to some Timothys. But I wasn't sure who they are. And, to be honest, I didn't exactly know how to be a Paul to my Timothy either. 

But one thing I was very sure of - I immediately knew who my Paul is. 

My spiritual mentor, whom I now call my spiritual father 😁. 

(OK, now you know how my talking about my spiritual parents is related to the blog title. 😅)

Since then, I have been doing these 4 things:

1) Thanking God daily that He has placed PBT around me in my life. He puts them in my life, for my good! 

2) Praying for discernment and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit to recognise them. 

3) Blessing each relationship. And cherishing them. 

4) Submitting to each role and doing what is required on my part - as a Timothy to my apostle Paul, as a Barnabas to my Barnabas and as a Paul to my Timothy. 

Beloved in Christ, 

Do you know that you (also) have Paul, Barnabas and Timothy in your life? (And it could be more than one of them in each category 😄)

Have you found your Paul, your Barnabas and your Timothy? Do you recognise them? 

And if you already have them, your PBT, do you cherish them? 

My prayer is that you would find your PBT (if you have not already found them), be so blessed and enriched by them that your walk with God will never be the same. 

And that you will always remember Who places these PBT in your life.  

Above all, I pray that you will cherish these relationships - your Paul, your Barnabas and your Timothy. Because they are oh, so precious. 

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