Remember Not, Behold and Know

In case you haven't noticed, there's actually been a long silence on this space...

To be exact, a 2 months' long silence. 

Yes, I have been quiet/ missing in action/ absent (whichever way one would like to describe it) for the whole of April and May. 

Have you missed me? I hope you had. 😁 Well, truth be told, even if you hadn't (miss me, that is), I would still continue on writing, anyway. 😅

Now, the (obvious) question to ask here is this: What happened? What caused the long pause? Did something bad happen? 

(Funny how that is usually the first thing that comes to mind for most, right? Something nasty must have happened, taking her time/ energy/ effort away from her passion.)

Well, something did happen but it wasn't something bad. What's more, because of it, I have new God stories to tell! 

I was just reading through and reflecting on my last entry on the blog - my Covid God story (yes, I re-read my own stories sometimes 😂) and realised one truth - God never cease to give me new God stories.

I can truly say that my life is a collection of God stories. A collection of countless back-to-back God stories. Granted, some are bigger than others, but still God stories nonetheless. 

When my Covid God story happened, that had felt like such huge God moments at the time. What I hadn't known (and couldn't have known) was that God always has more in store for me. 

God always has 'more, better, greater' in store for us. 

I remember when my daughter, Esther, was down with Covid, she was a lil disappointed that she woke up the next day with (still) a mild temperature. We had prayed for healing. She had prayed and had believed with her whole heart for a quick healing from her fever. 

And I had to remind her of how God had healed her of a recent swollen lips incident, prior to our Covid episode. (It really was a mystery and a miracle. Still is. Her upper lip was swollen and healed mysteriously within the half hour, after we prayed.)

I reassured her that, no doubt, God will do it again.

That's how it is in our life, right? God has done great and mighty and wonderful things for us before. I'm sure everyone agrees with this. 

And He is doing new great and mighty and wonderful things for us still!

I am a firm believer that all God stories (what we usually call testimonies) serve 2 purposes - they glorify God and they edify man.

So, what I did that day, was simply reminding Daniel and Esther of something they already know. Of God’s faithfulness and goodness. And of His power and ability. 

The Holy Spirit, on the other hand, reminded me this -

We are a people of fresh testimonies. God is doing a new (good) thing in our life everyday.

You know the song that takes the lyric from Lam 3:23? They (His mercies) are new every morning, Great is Thy faithfulness. 

My friend, His mercies ARE new every morning. 

As I am writing this, I am reminded of a revelation (and a comfort) that the Lord has given me last Sept. At the time, I was a lil discouraged over certain things. And God gave me this verse as an anchor.  

Isa 43:18-19
Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Source: Internet

He led me to listen to this sermon Behold I Will Do A New Thing just the day after. (It is God timing, for sure.)

Reflecting on this promise from God, I found myself asking and answering these questions:

1) Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. God was telling me to forget those things that are behind and to reach forward to those things which are ahead (Phil 3:13). But to forget what, exactly? God was telling me to not only forget the painful part, I am also to forget the good part too. 

Because it didn't matter whether they are good or not so good, they are now behind.  

2) Why do I need to remember not? Because Behold, I will do a new thing. God had wanted me to behold. Had I hold on to the old (be it good or bad), I won't be able to see/ notice and focus on the new. 

God had wanted me to behold the only thing that is worth beholding. 

3) And what is it that God had wanted me to behold? Behold Him. Behold the new thing. A way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. The new, good and seemingly impossible things. 

(Think about it. Which of these is not a new and good and impossible thing in the nature - way in the wilderness and rivers in desert?)

God had wanted me to behold Him and to behold the new things He is doing. 

4) The Holy Spirit also asked me to pay attention to these 5 words - Shall ye not know it? 

The question implies that I shall surely know it. God makes sure of that. 

Know what? The new, the good, the 'impossible-in-the-nature' things He is doing. 

Like what the Psalmist say: taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8). 

So, beloved in Christ, truly our lives are a collection of never-ending God stories. Today, I want to encourage you to:

Remember not, consider not.  


And know. 

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