
Showing posts from September, 2022

My Kuching God Story: Part 5 - Mum

Continuing on with my Kuching God story. I've written at length about what transpired on my end. And it's about time that I tell you about what happened in 'Kuching'.  After all, how can I call it my Kuching God story if I don't write about Kuching right?  And to talk about Kuching means to talk about the other side of the story; the other party in this mother-daughter relationship that was being worked at - my mum.  If you can recall how the Holy Spirit worked a healing and a restoration and transformation work in me from my previous God stories, you would have agreed that He has indeed done a tremendous amount of work with and in me.  While He was at work in me, clearing all the dirt and filth 😅, the Holy Spirit gave me this revelation (and at the same time, an assurance) - My wholeness, my fullness and my Christlikeness  is only half of His plan.  What God has done for me, in me and with me is only 50% completion of the great work that He has started.  The other

My Kuching God Story: Part 4 - A Better Me

One of the best things I've heard and learned in the 2nd semester of my Greenhouse discipleship course (right after I had my breakthrough in my relationship with my mum) was this:  To the extent that you love yourself, you will be able to love your children.   A healed you is a better mum or better dad.  (OK, sorry, that was 2 things, not 1...😅) If you have followed my Kuching God stories where I retold my journey of how the Holy Spirit healed me of my brokenness (and bitterness towards my mum), made new my wounded heart and set me free from the self-captivity that I was wallowing in, you will know the Lord has truly done a massive work in me. It was a huge digging, cleaning and reconstructing project.  I heard the above 2 lines in Ps Mervin Jayaseela's Personal Freedom class on 17 May 22, just 2 weeks after I had released and shed off all my offences I've taken up with my mum.  It was something he mentioned during Q&A session. I think someone asked if it is possible (