My Kuching God Story: Part 5 - Mum

Continuing on with my Kuching God story.

I've written at length about what transpired on my end. And it's about time that I tell you about what happened in 'Kuching'. 

After all, how can I call it my Kuching God story if I don't write about Kuching right? 

And to talk about Kuching means to talk about the other side of the story; the other party in this mother-daughter relationship that was being worked at - my mum. 

If you can recall how the Holy Spirit worked a healing and a restoration and transformation work in me from my previous God stories, you would have agreed that He has indeed done a tremendous amount of work with and in me. 

While He was at work in me, clearing all the dirt and filth 😅, the Holy Spirit gave me this revelation (and at the same time, an assurance) - My wholeness, my fullness and my Christlikeness is only half of His plan. 

What God has done for me, in me and with me is only 50% completion of the great work that He has started. 

The other half of His plan is for my mum to experience Christ herself and for her to enter into her own fullness and Christlikeness. 

It's amazing how everything that God does does not end with our being healed, delivered, blessed or saved. That in itself is good, for sure, but there is almost always a ripple effect that comes with our breakthrough. Because, you see, unlike us (obviously), our God is a very far-sighted God. He sees into the future, into the people around us, into the generations to come ahead of us. 

Now, coming back to what had happened in Kuching (or before even going back)...

After many rounds of heated discussions in the beginning of the year (about the when and how of traveling back to Kuching), my mum and I had not been able to reach to an agreement. She wanted her way, yet I had my limitations and couldn't comply to her wishes. 

She was upset (because I couldn't obey her simple request). 

I was upset (because she didn't understand my situation). 

So, here we've got a pair of miserable mother & daughter who, after having not being able to see each other for 2 years due to the pandemic, really just have 1 common goal - to see each other again. Yet, funnily and ironically, unable to reach consensus on how to achieve that common goal. 😂

And we both stood our stand, refusing to budge. 

We continued to stand at 2 ends of the bridge - both adamant on not compromising, not complying, not giving in. And we watched as the bridge started catching fire and burned bigger and bigger, until the whole bridge was on fire and there was no (more) means of getting to the other party. 

Until the Lord rebuilt and restored that bridge. 

Subsequently, within the week, we both came to agreement on the when and the how. It was as though all the cold hard ice was melted by the Lord. And with it, all the need to be adamant melted away as well. 😂 The Holy Spirit has a way of doing this. 

So, in June, we went back to Kuching for almost 2 weeks. And we had such an awesome time I almost couldn't believe it. 

In my heart and mind, I felt that my mum has changed so much, it's almost like she is an entirely different person. 

1) Her response to everything I say or do has changed so tremendously. 

There was just such an understanding, consideration, love and grace, from her. That was how I felt when I was in Kuching - the Lord has changed my mum. Hallelujah! 

Hahaha! But now, with more wisdom, I know that it is more that I myself have changed, rather than my mum has changed. Of course, my mum may have changed to a degree by the grace of my God. 

But the point here is that the Holy Spirit has changed ME! 

2) Her openness to God is another miracle. 

Although she had prayed the sinner's prayer 8 years ago, her heart has hardened so much to the point that, at times when I said 'let me pray', she would react with a 'don't talk to me about your Jesus.' 😔

But I found her willing to do/ accept/ follow along to so many things this time round!

For instance, for someone who had refused to even step into a church building last time, my mum followed us to church Sunday services and our Miracle Offering services (it was Kingdomcity Miracle Offering weekend). She was in church for 4 times in that 2 weeks! And never really complained about it. 

3) Her curiosity in the things of God is definitely Spirit birthed. 

When we were in Kuching, we did what we always do - pray for almost every big and little thing. We'd pray for parking, for weather, for any protection, anything and everything. They are just super short simple prayers that we prayed, to God, with the children. 

My mum never said a word about it all. Until 1 time, she suddenly asked me this - Is it really OK to keep asking God for things? 😅

I was taken aback by her curiosity. She usually would have been 'couldn't be bothered'. Hahaha! 

But because of her curiosity, it gave me an opportunity to share with her what it is like to have a relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. What it means to me to have an Abba Father in heaven who loves me and cares deeply for my every need. 

What it really is like to be a child of God who is loved, cherished and given (freely, I must add) all the best things He has in store for me, according to His good, acceptable and perfect will. 

I don't know how much she took in. It didn't matter to me. It didn't matter whether I did a good job at explaining this Christianity thing to my mum because I didn't set my heart on making her understand and see, or on convincing (or convicting) her. 

I was just talking away about how good my God is. Full stop. Hahaha! 😄

And I believe, by His grace, she has caught something. 

Long story short, my Kuching trip was a joyful time! 

But like I said, what the Lord has done in me is only half of what He intends to do. 

He told me that my breakthrough and my victory is only the starting point of breakthrough and victory for my generational relationships - my mum and my children. 

And I take my God at His word. 

What He has spoken is a promise. What He said, He will accomplish. 

The word that goes forth from His mouth shall not return to Him void. It shall accomplish what He pleases and it shall prosper in the thing for which He sent it (Isa 55:11). 

With this revelation and this promise, my heart rejoiced. 

And I press on, so that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me (Phil 3:12). 

Beloved in Christ, is there something that has seemed so difficult or impossible? Because it involves a human heart. (And maybe, a stubborn human heart at that 😂).

Know that the Lord your God is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9). 

Breakthrough and victory shall come. His breakthrough, His victory! 

But first, lay hold of that revelation and that promise. Remain in faith. Press on until it comes to pass. I am doing that. You do that too! 

And see fulfilment of His word, for His glory! 

Sharing a quote by Martin Luther - Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness. 

Source: Internet

May we all lay hold of His willingness, His love, His promises, His goodness! All that He has in store for us...

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