Let the Prophet be the Sermon

I was drawn to read the book of Hosea few weeks ago. 

Now, I have never read Hosea with much thought given to it before. I have merely read it as part of a Bible reading plan - going through the books in the Bible one by one. 

And I know Hosea to be the prophet whom God has instructed to take a prostitute as wife, in an illustration of God's message to His people at the time. 

Just as prophet Jeremiah was called not to have family (not to marry and have children) because of what the Lord wanted to speak to His people at the time. 

Both prophets' lives were entwined and one with what God wanted to do. 

As I finished reading my previous book in the Bible, I asked the Lord which book does He want me to read. I felt a prompting towards Hosea. But I brushed it aside. 

I know I said I asked the Lord, but you see, I had my eyes set on a NT epistle. 😅 So, I was hoping the Holy Spirit would lead me to any one of the epistle. I didn't want to read from the prophet who had to marry an adulterous wife. Surely a NT revelation or truth would be far better. I kept asking - Thessalonians? James? To which I felt a 'no' from my Lord. 

So, on the morning that I really needed to start a new book reading, I sat down in my chair, Bible on my lap, and I literally just opened up my bible.  

It opened up to the first page of Hosea. 

I said, 'Alright Holy Spirit, Hosea it shall be'. 

(Yes, such was the patience of the Holy Spirit with me. I do not take it for granted, but I am very thankful for it. 😂)

1 beautiful thing about the life of Hosea, which I believe, is what the Lord wants me to glimpse, understand, embrace and outlive for myself as well, is his life message. 

No, I'm not talking about 'taking for himself a wife of harlotry' (Hosea 1:2) or 'go love a woman who is loved by a lover and committing adultery' (Hosea 3:1). None of that is pleasant, I dare say. 

And I don't think God takes pleasure in seeing His prophet suffer just to deliver His message. Not at all. 

Yet the beauty is in Hosea allowing himself to be God's sermon. 

This is what's written in my Bible introduction to Hosea. 

The book of Hose is about a people who need to hear the love of God, a God who wants to tell them, and the unique way God chooses to demonstrate His love to His people. The problem is how to get God's message of love to a people not inclined to listen, and not likely to understand if they do listen. God's solution is to let the prophet be His own sermon. Hosea would marry Gomer, an impure woman, love her fully and have children by her, and go after her and bring her back when she strays. In sum, Hosea shows by His own love for Gomer the kind of love God has for Israel. 

God let Hosea be His sermon. God makes his life His sermon. 

Hosea let God make him His sermon. He obeyed and lived his life as His sermon to His people at his time. 

It made me pause. 

And ponder - What would I have done? 

Would I have obeyed and heeded, letting God make me His sermon? 

Would I obey willingly? Or with complaints? 

As I continue reading Hosea, I am still asking myself this question - 

If the Lord wants me to be His sermon, what will I do? 

Will I obey? 

Will I obey with joy and trust? 

Beloved in Christ, how about you? 

Will you? 

Let the prophet be the sermon. 

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