
Showing posts from August, 2023

Sing to the Lord - What is Burning?

The Lord speaks to us through His living Word, with His still small voice,  in dreams and visions, through signs and wonders. And at times, through the songs that we sing.  Pour out Your fire Set me ablaze I wanna burn for you Lord hear my cry Reignite me again I wanna burn for you. What comes to your mind when you read these words, I wonder?  This is the lyric to the song, Pour Out Your Fire. You can listen to it  here .  When this song is sung, it is usually sung in the context of offering our life as a living sacrifice to God.  Literally as in I wanna burn (like a sacrifice offered to You) for You. For some time now, every time I sang this song, I would sing it with a haunting feeling of guilt arising inside of me, cause I felt like I haven't offered/ sacrificed enough of myself. I knew it to be a lie from the enemy, as there is no condemnation in Christ but I just couldn't shake it off, at least not while singing the words to the song. This is one of the songs I (sadly) cou

Seal of Perfection, Full of Wisdom and Perfect in Beauty

You were the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, Beryl, onyx, and jasper, Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes Was prepared for you on the day you were created. You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, Till iniquity was found in you. These are the words of the Prophet Ezekiel, from the Lord to the king of Tyre in Ezekiel 28.  I opened up my Bible on the morning of 1 Aug 23 and stumbled upon this verse. The words 'You were the seal of perfection' catching my eyes.  I couldn't resist reading on, although I had planned on continuing my reading on Hosea.  I sat there astounded with what I read (although I am pretty sure that I&#

Sing to the Lord - Bless the Lord, O my Soul

I'm on a series of reflecting on the songs that God has used, to speak to me. This is the story of song No. 2 - Forevermore. You can listen to it  here .  In June, during our prayer and fasting week, my church opened up our church hub throughout the entire week in the daytime for anyone who were able and would like to come away from the daily rush and chores to spend some quiet time in God's presence. We called it 'Presence Week'.  My husband and I went early morning on the first day. And this song, Forevermore, was playing in the background.  Here are the words to the chorus part of the song, taken from Psalm 103.  Bless the Lord O my soul And all that is within me Forgetting not what You've done We bless Your holy name Bless the Lord O my soul And all that is within me Remembering who You are We bless Your holy name As it was early morning and it was a Monday, we were alone. The only other person present was a brother who was there to open the door and got the hub

Sing to the Lord - Enthrone You with My Life

A continuation (sort of) of my previous post - Sing a Song to the Lord. You may read it here . Lately the Lord has been rewriting song lyric for me. Songs that I've sung many times over. Songs that I am so familiar with. Songs that I have memorised and internalised the lyric. Yet somehow, the Master Lyricist, the Holy Spirit, has been rewriting lyrics to some songs, for me personally.  He rewrites the lyric ever so slightly, sometime by changing just one word.  But then again, one word, is all that is needed sometime.  The first song that the Holy Spirit rewrote for me was 'Everlasting Kingdom'.  (Unfortunately, I couldn't locate this song on any platforms except for this version performed by Kingdomcity Kidschurch. You may listen to it  here .) In March, my family and I attended a Christian event in KL. Now, in that weekend, we didn't receive what we were praying for - a miracle for our child. Nor was there any evident mighty breakthrough in the circumstances that

Sing this Song to the Lord

Ever resonate so deeply with a song that it brought tears to your eyes?  Ever sung the words to a song with such great emotion or conviction that it felt like more than just a song?  I suppose many have had such experience. Especially (and well, unfortunately) so with secular songs. I'm sure everyone is familiar with those songs singing about lost love, about being broken hearted or about being deeply in love, for that matter.  (Not proud to say this out loud but) In my younger days, I used to embrace and sing along to love songs, depending on the season that I was in - whether in or out of love. 😅  It was as though whoever wrote the song lyric knew exactly what I was going through and understand how I felt.  It really is funny and amazing how songs can penetrate into our soul. And grip at us.  You see, praise and worship are meant for God.  Music and songs, in its original form, are intended for and are to be directed unto God.  Out of curiosity, I searched for the very first ref