Sing to the Lord - Enthrone You with My Life

A continuation (sort of) of my previous post - Sing a Song to the Lord. You may read it here.

Lately the Lord has been rewriting song lyric for me. Songs that I've sung many times over. Songs that I am so familiar with. Songs that I have memorised and internalised the lyric.

Yet somehow, the Master Lyricist, the Holy Spirit, has been rewriting lyrics to some songs, for me personally. He rewrites the lyric ever so slightly, sometime by changing just one word. 

But then again, one word, is all that is needed sometime. 

The first song that the Holy Spirit rewrote for me was 'Everlasting Kingdom'. 

(Unfortunately, I couldn't locate this song on any platforms except for this version performed by Kingdomcity Kidschurch. You may listen to it here.)

In March, my family and I attended a Christian event in KL. Now, in that weekend, we didn't receive what we were praying for - a miracle for our child. Nor was there any evident mighty breakthrough in the circumstances that we were in.

But it was in that weekend that the Lord made it crystal clear to me - that He wants a whole hearted Irene. An Irene who pursues Him for Him. Not for His blessings nor His provisions.

In short, He wants me to love Him for Him, not for what He can do for me or give me.

I went back to KK with a renewed steadfastness. And maybe, sort of a renewed first love for my Christ (It has, unfortunately, grown a lil cold.)

That first Sunday we were back in KK, we sang this song in church, 'Everlasting Kingdom'.

The chorus went like this -
"Jesus, You are Lord and King.
Ruler over everything.
I enthrone You in my life.
Be exalted, Lord Most High".

We must have sung this song for many months now, at that time. I knew the lyric by heart. I would cry when I sing the song. It's a song I love.

But that Sunday, this came out of my mouth as I sang. I enthrone You with my life. Those words coming out from my spirit. From deep within my soul. 

The original lyric says 'I enthrone You in my life'. 

The revised lyric goes 'I enthrone You with my life'. 

As I sang, I started sobbing uncontrollably. I felt something set in motion from inside of me - I will enthrone Him in my life. But more than that, I will enthrone Him with my life.

It may not seem significant or big deal. After all, they do mean quite the same thing. Enthroning the Lord. In one's life. With one's life.

What difference does it really mean or make? 

But as I knelt and sang those words, tears streaming down my cheeks, I know it is a promise that is rising out from my spirit.

I vowed to my Lord - I will enthrone Him with my life. 

I am now to not only enthrone Him, make Him Lord and King, in my life.

I am to enthrone Him with my life. I make Him Lord and King with my life.

It's funny and amazing how, just by changing one word in a song, the Lord invites me to enter into a deeper, covenantal relationship with Him. 

And I could either sing it just as a song on my lips, or I could choose to sing it from my heart, accepting Jesus' invitation. 

Just as Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the Lord that day (Exodus 15:1), they sang and spoke, saying: "I will sing to the Lord, For He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea!"

I shall sing and speak, saying:

Jesus, You are Lord and King.
Ruler over everything.

I enthrone You in my life.
I enthrone You with my life.
Be exalted, Lord Most High."

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