Sing this Song to the Lord

Ever resonate so deeply with a song that it brought tears to your eyes? 

Ever sung the words to a song with such great emotion or conviction that it felt like more than just a song? 

I suppose many have had such experience. Especially (and well, unfortunately) so with secular songs. I'm sure everyone is familiar with those songs singing about lost love, about being broken hearted or about being deeply in love, for that matter. 

(Not proud to say this out loud but) In my younger days, I used to embrace and sing along to love songs, depending on the season that I was in - whether in or out of love. 😅 It was as though whoever wrote the song lyric knew exactly what I was going through and understand how I felt. 

It really is funny and amazing how songs can penetrate into our soul. And grip at us. 

You see, praise and worship are meant for God. 

Music and songs, in its original form, are intended for and are to be directed unto God. 

Out of curiosity, I searched for the very first reference of the people singing in the Bible. And guess what I found? 

The first 'singing' recorded in the Bible is in Exodus 15:1 in what's called the Song of Moses. 

Exodus 15:1 Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the Lord, and spoke, saying: “I will sing to the Lord, For He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea!

Who did they sing to (or sing for)? The people sang to the Lord. 

Why did they sing? They sang because He has triumphed gloriously. 

So, clearly, our ability to make music and to make sound with our voice are for man to direct it (the music and the sound) unto our God. 

Sadly, the ruler of this age and of this world has twisted it. 

That's what he does, isn't it? Takes whatever that is created, designed and purposed by God and cunningly twist it to lead God's created being astray. 

I think we can all agree that we have witnessed so many talents (creative, artistic, musical) misused to glorify the wrong thing. Turning people from the right One to the wrong thing. 

Songs, movies, comics, computer games...You get the idea - these are the obvious ones. 

But there are other less obvious ones as well. Take fashion for example. The fashion item in itself (handbag, dress, shoes, watch etc.) may not be evil. But I see creativity and artistic talent being channeled in a way that fuels an obsession to possess. 

An obsession for earthly things. 

You may not agree and I won't argue. 

But maybe we can agree on one thing. 

When all the talents in the world are used for God, what a world that would be like. 

(Now when I say all the talents, I really mean all - talents in maths (accounts, engineering, scientific etc.); talents in creativity (music, dance, art, media etc.) and all other sorts of talents.)

Imagine a world of composers writing songs only to sing of God, lyricist write songs to magnify Him and we sing those songs to worship Him. 

Imagine when composers write out of a deep love for God, when lyricist write songs to tell Him how we feel for Him (or of how He feels towards us) and we lift those words from the depth of our heart to our God most high. 

Beloved in Christ, 

Ever resonate so deeply with a song that it brought tears to your eyes? Ever sung the words to a song with such great emotion and conviction that it is more than just a song? 

When all the talents and the passion in this world are used unto God for God, I dare say that that is the kind of world God intends us to live in. 

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