God-Incidence: Cognitive Distortion

Ever heard of coincidence? 

Ever encountered a coincidence? 

I'm sure you have.

Now, what is coincidence? According to Google, this is the definition: 'a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.'

The world calls it coincidence. But how many of us know that God works mysteriously through coincidences? In fact, He specialises in it. 

I call it God-incidence.

I've encountered, experienced and lived through many of God's God-incidences. I'm sure many have too. And every time a God-incidence happened, you know God is up to something. 

Just this last week, I've experienced 2 of these God-incidences. 

First God-incidence has something to do with dealing and breaking my false belief. Or what is called cognitive distortion here. 

Here's what happened, on Friday morning, I watched my Greenhouse 'Healthy Relationship' class replay. 

Source: Personal

The class was on false belief or cognitive distortions. On what they are and how these distortions could affect us. 

Half way through the class, it was time for me to leave the house to fetch my children from school. So, I paused my video replay and headed out. 

I always bring a book with me to read in the car while waiting for the children. That day, I brought the book that I am currently reading - Frank Viola's 'Hang On, Let Go.' 

As I sat in the car and started reading, as I turned the page to the following chapter, I saw the title and paused for a moment - 'Cognitive Distortions'.

It sounded awfully familiar 😅

I stopped short, in the car, and thought to myself, 'Coincidence?' Well, I guess you can say so. 

You bet that when I went back to finish my class, I paid extra attention. 

Because, after all, when God-incidence happened, one had better pay attention to what God is saying, right? 

And guess what? 

Through this episode of God-incidence, the Holy Spirit broke one false belief that I have. One that I didn't know I have actually. It wasn't an obvious one but I realised now that the Holy Spirit wants to break that in me because it hinders my wholeness and my relationship with others. 

It was on "labeling and mislabeling". 

One of the examples given by the teacher, Ps. Mervin, on this distortion was the false belief that people can't or don't or won't change. That is a mislabeling.

When I heard that, I knew in my heart that this is what the Lord wanted to speak to me about - my subconscious mislabeling that it is very hard for people to change (or impossible to change). 

Experience has taught me these lessons:

  1. Don't try to change anyone. No one can change anyone. Only God can do that.
  2. Until and unless someone comes to the end of him/ herself, God is unable to bring about any change in the person. 
  3. 'Coming to the end of one self', unfortunately, doesn't come easy for a lot of people. Myself chief of it. (I speak from personal experience 😅.)
  4. Therefore, it is very hard for people to change. 
Although these may all be true, but they are not the ultimate truth. 

I guess what the Holy Spirit wanted me to hear and receive is His truth. In the words of Ps. Mervin, everyone can change, especially in Christ. 

Now, I am not proud to admit this. But there must have been moments in my life and in my relationships when I have subconsciously and silently in my heart judged someone to fall in the category of being 'very hard to change'. And that, undoubtedly, has affected my heart towards the person. 

In being so, I have not been Christlike. 

And in this manner, I have not been free. 

And my Jesus, who has come to set me free, wants me to be completely free in this area. 

Thank You, Holy Spirit, for catching my attention with all these God-incidences on this cognitive distortions. Thank You for breaking this deception. 

Truly it is so. Everyone makes mistakes (myself included). And everyone can change in Christ (I know I have, to certain extent). 

How about you, beloved in Christ? Any interesting God-incidences you might want to share? 

Our God works mysteriously in and through coincidences. So, do pay attention to them the next time it happens. 

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