On Control and Of Change - 1

How many of us know that God works mysteriously in what the world calls coincidence?

I call it God-incidence.

I've encountered and experienced and lived through so many of God's God-incidences that I've slowly learned to sharpen my senses/awareness. And with that, learned quicker what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell/teach/warn/comfort/encourage (the list is endless) me.

How I wish I had learned this lesson earlier, younger? 

Now, the Lord has been speaking to me a lot lately on 2 things. 

First one, control. Second one, change.

Well, I know these 2 sound like taboo words for many - Control? Change? The secular world has discussed, spoken, written, studied, experimented and published enough opinions, findings and material on these 2 subjects. 

Psychologically, physiologically, mentally, emotionally.....

And I'm sure what the Lord is showing me is not new. Because, of course, it is not new. 

What does the Bible tell us? There is nothing new under the sun. 

That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. (Ecc 1:9)

But even if it is not new (maybe not new to you too), but it is new to me. 

And even if it is not 'new' to me (maybe God has spoken before and is still speaking to me about the same thing), every time I receive a revelation (or a deeper revelation, for that matter), it does something new in me. 

In my soul and in my body. 

In my soul, because it renews my mind - my emotions, my thoughts, my belief (whether conscious or subconscious). 

In my body, because, well, our physical body is connected to our spirit and soul. A lot of times, symptoms that manifest in our bodies are a result of what is going through in our soul. I'm not saying every single time and every single symptom, I'm saying a lot of times. 

And thus, the Lord shows something anew to me, and He does something new in me. 

I would like to share my reflections with you. Often, I process my thoughts and emotions and revelations through my writings. As I write, the Holy Spirit brings a revelation deeper. 

And so, read on with me as I go on yet another adventure with my Lord. 

The distance, this time, is from 'Holding Tight to Control and Change' to 'Letting Loose of Control and Change'. 

You will find me quoting from various authors as well. Like I said, our God is a God of God-incidence. He sends and uses and utilises whatever that comes my way to really drive home the key point. So, very often, I find myself reading books or hearing sermons that speak to me on the matter that the Lord is working on. 

My job is to ready my heart, and keep calibrating and tuning my antenna to make sure I receive loud and clear. 

As one of my favourite preachers, Ps David Storer, said before, when the student is ready, the teacher shows up

Maybe to put it clearer, the teacher has always been there. But if the student is not ready, he will not recognise the teacher even if he stands right in front of his nose. 

So, Teacher, here I am. Teach me! 

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