Reflection on Toy - Part 1

Yesterday evening, my children had a 'heated' exchange of words. 

It all started when the sister did not follow an instruction of mine. 

There is this line, which I always say to the children right before I get angry (or while trying to contain my anger 😂) - "Don't make mummy use angry voice."

So after repeating my instruction to my daughter from afar (I was in the kitchen at that time) in a tone that wasn't quite 'angry voice' (yet), I also announced that I would be coming out soon. 

(I suppose both children knew that when I finished what I was doing in the kitchen and emerged out into the living room, I wasn't going to go easy on Esther unless she obeyed and followed the instruction. 😅)

And then, I heard Esther crying. 

Yes, Esther started crying. 

I was still in the kitchen. I hadn't done anything. I hadn't scolded her. I hadn't used my angry voice. I hadn't even said the famous 'Don't make mummy use angry voice.'

I came out to the living room to this scene. Esther crying; Daniel smiling a cheeky smile. 

I was perplexed. 

Through her sobs, I couldn't quite make out what Esther was saying at first. Then I heard these words, "Ko ko said I can't have new toys anymore. " 

Source: Internet

Then I realised what had happened. The elder brother must have decided to tease the sister, telling her that she won't be getting new toys (because she had disobeyed mummy). 

It wasn't the first time this had happened. Not only that, both parties had been the recipient of this sort of tease before (toys will be kept away/ can't have new toys/ can't have snacks, or anything along the line)

Sometime it is Daniel teasing Esther; sometimes (or more like most times) it's the other way round. Haha, my girl is the cheekier one between the 2 of them. 

The first thing that I said to Esther was this, "Esther, is ko ko the one who will buy you new toy?" 

She paused for a while and replied "no" (well, obviously). 

I then asked her, "Who is the one who buys you new toy?" 

To which she rightly answered "Daddy and mummy". 

I then continued, "Did mummy say mummy will not get you new toy?"

She paused. Then she started saying "But ko ko said", to which I interrupted and said, "Ko ko is not the one who is going to buy toy for you. Mummy or daddy is. So, does it matter what ko ko said? Why are you upset over ko ko's words?" 

That finally consoled her. And she stopped crying. 

Similar scenes had played many times in our household. Each time one child teased the other, the recipient always got upset. Even though both clearly know who the Person In Charge is in this household. 

My children know full well who has the authority to confiscate or withhold toy/ snack/ privilege and the likes. Yet each time, they were still affected by the tease and got upset. 

Does this remind you of the scenes in the Garden of Eden? The "Has God indeed said (Gen 3:1)" and the "who told you (Gen 3:11)" in Genesis? 

How quickly we forget? 

How quickly we tend to doubt? 

How quickly we tend to lose sight?

How easy it can be for us to listen to empty threats/ negative reports/ deceptions and lies? 

For Esther's case yesterday... 

Firstly, when her brother threatened that she will not be able to get new toy anymore, she had quite forgotten that her brother actually has no say in that. He was neither the one to allot toys nor was he the one to pay for toys. 

Secondly, even if she may know (and remember) that her brother wasn't the one with the authority or power or resource or access to new toy, he had, nonetheless, planted the thought of  'possibly being deprived of new toy' in her head. And that thought gripped her with sadness and anger. That possibility gripped her with fear.  

Aren't we like my lil Esther some time? I know I am, sadly. 

Listening to deception and getting swayed. Easily. 

As for Daniel yesterday, I had to remind him, again, that although it might feel fun to tease and jest his sister, it wasn't a good thing. He had caused her grief. Daniel promptly apologised to Esther. And the two make amends quickly. 

But, unfortunately, it is not so with the evil one. He will continue to throw negative reports, distractions, thoughts, temptations and lies our way, seeking whom he may devour. 

Beloved in Christ, what is the 'toy' for you? 

Is it a financial situation? Or maybe it is a medical report? Or a family strain? 

The evil one may have thrown a threat or a lie in your mind, telling you that you don't have the toy/ have lost the toy/ will soon lose the toy. 

Yet regardless of what he says, the truth remains - he has never been the one to grant or to take away the 'toy'. And never will be. 

Furthermore, if you hadn't realised yet, whatever your toy may be, he isn't really after it. 

He is after something else. He is after your trust in God, your peace, your joy, your relationship with God. He comes to steal, kill and destroy that (John 10:10). 

If he can sow a seed of doubt, of lie, of fear in your mind, he is half way there. 

Oh beloved in Christ, may we recognise and remember that he is a disarmed enemy (Col 2:15). He has no power nor authority nor resource to do anything that he threatens to do. 

All he has are only lies and deception. 

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