Sing to the Lord - Take Room

We sang the song, 'Make Room', in church yesterday. 

Just last Friday, we sang the same song at CG. So, this song was fresh on my mind. 

It's a song that I love, singing about making room for God to do what He wants to do. 

Source: Internet

Here is where I lay it down
Every burden, every crown
This is my surrender
This is my surrender

Here is where I lay it down
Every lie and every doubt
This is my surrender

And I will make room for You
To do whatever You want to
To do whatever You want to

Shake up the ground of all my tradition
Break down the walls of all my religion
Your way is better

I must have sung this song a thousand times over. Yet at times, when I was singing to it, I couldn't shake off the feeling that the lyric are so wrong. In fact, I've written about it earlier on here. 

(Now, if you're a big fan of the singer or the song, please don't take offence. I am not criticising the song, as I say I love the song. But this is my feeling and my opinion on the song.)

How do I sing to my Lord that I will 'make room' for Him? 

As I sang the words 'make room', I picture myself moving boxes and stuff around until there is a space in the room and then I say to my Lord, 'Here Jesus, come. There is room for you in here.' 

That is not what I want. 

God-incidentally, I was reading from Revelation. This words of my Lord came to mind: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me."

We've used (and abused) this verse to evangelise to those who have yet to receive Jesus, telling them that Jesus is knocking and asking them to open the door of their heart and let Him in. But when read carefully, we will find that Jesus did not say this to those who do not know or believe Him. 

He is telling His bride - Behold, I stand at your door and knock

I was reminded of a reflection I had, not too long ago, when I was pondering the truth of 'I in Christ and Christ in me'. 

A friend was looking for a place to stay and was scouting around for apartment/ room to rent. As she is single, she didn't mind if she had to share the space with other single girls. I helped ask around. While doing that, it got me thinking along the lines of property and I pictured this analogy of me and my Lord co-living in the same house. 

These 2 words came to my mind - landlord and tenant. 

Am I the landlord, giving Jesus access to only certain parts/ rooms of the house? Or worse still, does the tenant Jesus only have key and access to one room (a so-called Jesus space) in the house? 

Or am I the tenant in this house that belongs to my Lord Jesus? He is the owner and therefore, has full access to everywhere and everything in this house. And yet, this landlord, unlike any earthly landlord, grants me all that He has. Everywhere and everything in the house belongs to Him, and to me as well. 

I think, here's a question worth asking ourselves, is Jesus my landlord or my tenant? 

Many things had happened in the past week or so (which I may or may not write about). And this song spoke to me in a new way yesterday. 

It was the Lord reminding me and teaching me anew to lay it all down, every burden every crown. 

It was the Lord shaking up the ground of all traditions and breaking down all walls of religion. All things that are not of me. 

And as I knelt down and sang the song, these words came - I will give room to You, so do whatever You want to. 

And by room, I mean the whole entire room. 

Beloved in Christ, Jesus is bidding us 'Behold, I stand at your door and knock.' 

What is your response, dear ones?

Open your door and make room for Jesus? 

Or open your door and let Jesus take room? 

The truth is that we belong to Him. The room belongs to Him fully. By His grace, He gave us free will to access, possess and use the room. 

Sadly and unfortunately, we, in turn, took the keys of self-will, full of burden and crown, and locked Him out. We took the keys of tradition and religion and blocked Him out. 

Beloved in Christ, 

Would you lay it down, every burden every crown? 

Would you shake them all up and break them down, every tradition and religion? 

And dine with Him as He dines with you. 

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