Some Leave You Empty. Some Leave You Filled.

My family watched a most amazing musical by Sight and Sound - David - over the weekend. 

Source: Internet - Sight and Sound

We have all been a huge fan of Sight and Sound's work. So, when we got to know that they will be streaming 'David' free over the weekend, we were excited and were all looking forward to it. 

It was a long 2-hour musical, so it took us Saturday and Sunday night to watch the entire show (Of course, repeating certain scenes added to the time we spent watching it. 😂 But some scenes are that good. Like the ones showing David slinging his sling at the lion and at Goliath. The children especially love those scenes and requested for replays. Haha!)

After finishing the musical on Sunday night, we watched it again last night (Monday night). 

It was that good! 

Coincidentally, a brother in Christ and I happened to be talking (briefly) about entertainment - movies, shows, songs. Just yesterday. 

And I made a confession - I had been indulging myself watching Chinese and Korean drama lately. 

The thing with watching these drama is that there is such a pull or draw to spend your time on them. 

I started watching drama as a pass time. Something light to occupy myself with as I took care of the children or waiting in the car while fetching them from school/ tuition or while going through errands 

Then gradually, subtly, I realised that there was such a pull to continue watching. I "just" needed to watch the next episode. To know what's next. 

Then after finishing one drama, I couldn't help but to want to start another drama. 

And the funniest and most bizarre thing that happened was that - I didn't want to waste my time watching a lousy drama, so I watched back an old drama that I had watched some time ago. It was old but good, with a good script and convincing acting from actors and actresses.

The only problem was that I had watched it before. 

And yet, I still rewatched it! I couldn't explain why. I was perplexed. 

Then this reflection dawned on me yesterday. 

When I watch China or Korean drama, it left me empty and wanting more. (Which could have explained the pull/ draw to keep going back to it.)

When I watch David, it left me filled, and still wanting more. 

Both form of entertainment draw me to want more of it. 

Yet, the first left me wanting more because I was empty. It left me empty in my soul and thus, felt the need for more to 'fill it up'. That must be how deception work. 

The latter also left me wanting more. But it was from a place of 'filled, whole, satisfied'. And I couldn't not have more of it. My soul thirsts and longs for more. Or rather, my soul thirsts and longs to be 'continually filled'. 

That being said, having watched 'David', it was the first time I had a deeper look at the inner turmoil of Saul. The script and the actor depicted Saul's turmoil so well. I had never paid much attention to Saul, except that, well, he went mad with jealousy and sought to kill David. But 'David' made me see, for the first time ever, the thoughts and torments that went through his soul in those dark days of his. 

And it hit me hard that someone who has experienced God's presence, such as he has, would willingly suffer the turmoil as he did. 

He has tasted that presence, that anointing, that freedom, that peace, that joy first when he was anointed king. He lost it, and then experienced it again in Naioth in Ramah (1 Samuel 19). And yet, over and over again, Saul did not choose God. He chose the crown. 

Not all 'filled by God' would leave one wanting more. 

Or, perhaps, the 'glory' of being king had left Saul empty and wanting more of the world. 

It was a vivid reminder to me - the contrast of Saul vs David. 

The folly of the man Saul. 

The value of David's 'after God's own heart'. 

Truly, some leave us empty. The things of this world. 

While some leave us filled. The things of our Lord. Or more accurately, the Lord Himself. 

My beloved in Christ, what has left you wanting more? 

May we take stock today and evaluate if we are empty or if we are filled. 

Because, indeed, some leave you empty. Some leave you filled. 

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