Altar for 2025

On the last Sunday of 2024, I heard and learned a new song in church, 'Follow' by Passion and Melodie Malone.

My pastor preached a message reflecting on 2024 entitled "Have you grown in 2024?". 

At the end of her sermon, she led the congregation in worship, singing this song, Follow, as a response to her message. 

It was a new song to me. I've not heard the song before. And with new songs, it usually take me some time to resonate with the song as I need to learn the lyric and the tune first. 

But that Sunday, as I sang the words 'Yes to surrender, yes to the altar', the Lord brought me back to a time in September 2022, where He spoke to me about living on the altar, through another song (On The Altar). 

At the time, I was struggling, with Him. 

The Lord has given me a word through an anointed man of God that afternoon. As the pastor laid hand on me and prayed for me that afternoon, he released a word for me. 

He ended his prayer with 2 words - 'Go, child'. 

But I was scared. Scared of the unknown. What does 'go' look like? What am I to do? Having had a not-so-good past experience of 'go' previously did not quite help too. In short, I didn't really want to 'go'. 

That night, I sat on the living room floor, singing and worshipping outwardly, but inwardly having a tug of war like conversation with God. 

Then the song 'On The Alar' came on the playlist. And as I sang along, these words spoke right into the depths of my heart.

I will live on the altar
You are worth what You ask for
If You're searching for a heart as Your reward
I am Yours

You are worth what You ask for. 

I will live on the altar.

I remember sitting, singing and crying in that space, telling God, 'You are worth what You ask for, Lord'. Giving Him my yes.

2 years has since passed. And sadly, I've quite stored that moment at the back of my mind. Not that I've turned away and said no to God, but I've not thought of that conviction for a long time. And to be completely honest, that 'go' moment has not come. At least that's what I believe. 

As 2024 closed, as I sang aloud these words 'yes to the altar', I found the Lord reminding me of that altar from 2 years ago.

And then, again, last night (the last night of 2024), at my church's Watch Night service, my pastor preached from 1 King 18, about the fire of the Lord consuming the burnt sacrifice on Mount Carmel.

Elijah) repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down. And Elijah took twelve stones...Then with the stones he built an altar in the name of the Lord.

Again, altar.

A friend asked this today - what is 1 word that describes 2025 for you? My first thought was this - how can anyone describe 2025 yet? 2025 barely started.

But as the 1st day of 2025 comes to end, I reflected and realised that the Lord may have given me my word for 2025.

Yes, altar. 

I don't know what lies ahead in 2025. But...

2024 has been good, because He is good. 

2025 shall be better, because He is good. 

So, I say yes to surrender. Yes to the altar.

Yes to my Lord, yes to my Jesus! 

Beloved in Christ, what is your one word from the Lord for 2025? 

Ask the Lord of it, ask the Lord for it. Whatever it be may, may we and let us go on unto perfection (Heb 6:1). 

May our lives be from glory to glory. May our years be from glory to glory. 

Each year shall be our best year yet. This year better than the last, always. 

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