
Showing posts from June, 2021

Reflection on Acts - They Spoke the Word of the Lord to Him

It is good to read Acts carefully time and again to study what the apostles preached in the days after Jesus' ascension.  Acts 16:32 summed it all up perfectly -  they spoke the word of the Lord .  Acts recorded numerous accounts of the apostles' "sermon" - some records being more detailed than the others.  Some of the detailed accounts, where what was spoken was recorded, includes:  Of course, the famous sermons by Apostle Peter in Acts 2 (in response to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit) and in Acts 3 (in response to the miraculous healing of the lame man) Stephen's address when he was accused in Acts 7 Philip  beginning at this Scripture (Isa 53), preached Jesus  (Acts 8:35)  to  the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8.  Peter speaking to Cornelius and all those who were present with him  before God, to hear all the things commanded Peter by God  (Acts 10:33)  in Acts 10 Paul's  word of exhortation for the people   (Acts 13:15)  at  Antioch in Pisidia  in Acts 13 Pa

The New Man and His Home and World

I wrote about my reflection from Col 3 about the new man's home earlier. You can read it  here .  If you read Col 3 carefully, you will see that the Scripture first tells us that we were raised with Christ (3:1), our life is hidden with Christ in God (3:3), we have put off the old man (3:9) and have put on the new man (3:10). (Please note these are all in past tense. Something that is already completed.) Then it goes on to  give us instructions on what the new man should do (Col 3:12-17). And then it gives us God's order for the home (Col 3:18-21), followed by the right conduct of masters and servants (Col 3:22 - 4:1).  Apostle Paul wrote both the epistles of Ephesians and Colossians. So, one can argue that he would naturally wrote roughly the same instructions and admonition in his letters to the different churches at the time. In fact, my bible has this remark to the introduction of Ephesians - " Over seventy of the 155 verses in Ephesians contain expressions echoed in C

The New Man's Home

We  (Or for most parts of the world that is)  have celebrated Mother's Day last month and Father's Day on Sunday, celebrating two very special people in our lives - the mothers and the fathers. Coincidentally , I was reading a Bible Study guide/ note on strengthening marriages, by Denise Renner, called School of Cinderella these past two weeks.  And it has got me reflecting on the Christian home and the relationships within - the Christian husband, wife, father, mother and children.  Source: Internet There are tons of good biblical material, teachings and courses out there on marriages. Not to mention, pre-marital course, which most churches have made a compulsory criteria prior to tying the knot.  To be completely honest though, my husband and I didn't exactly went through the pre-marital course as how couples would normally do (classes and sessions with relevant church personnel and all), considering that both of us were in two separate states (Terengganu and Sarawak) at

Reflection on Acts - We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit

Part 2 of my reflection upon reading the book of Acts. I wrote about having this great sense of thankfulness while I was reading Acts in Part 1, which you may read  here .  On top of feeling thankful, I also had this overwhelming sadness in my heart as I read the account of the twelve disciples in Ephesus found in Acts 19:1-7.   Source: Internet Here is the account: And it happened, while Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul, having passed through the upper regions, came to Ephesus. And finding some disciples  he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”  So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.”  And he said to them, “Into what then were you baptized?”  So they said, “Into John’s baptism.”  Then Paul said, “John indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on Him who would come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.”  When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the

Reflection on Acts - Living in Post-NT Days

I had started reading the book of Acts in May with a desire to receive a revelation on the mighty and powerful work of the Holy Spirit through the apostles.  (After all, the book of Acts is the one book in the Bible where the Holy Spirit is mentioned so many times. 70 times actually!)  I don't know if you've ever felt like this, but every time I read the book of Acts, I would think to myself - "so many names of places!" I picture a mental map in my mind as I followed the apostles travel from one place to another. And I got lost. 😂 How many of you are with me on this?  I Googled "map of book of Acts" on the internet and numerous images of "Acts maps" appeared. Below is (I promise you) one of the simpler versions of the map.  Source: Internet Look at all those locations! And imagine traveling and covering all those grounds without having the luxury of air travel?  Putting aside the geographical challenges,  my heart was filled with thanksgiving  the

An Unkind Love Letter

Heard these words that gripped my heart with sorrow the other day - my situation is too big for God.  I wonder if you have ever felt that way too? That your life is too messy? Your situation too dire? Your problem too impossible? Your mistake/ weakness or sin too grave? Your pit too deep?  For God to do anything with it or about it.  As I received some not-so-good news these past few days, I debated within myself over this: to offer  solace or edification?   And as I pondered on this statement that ' my situation is too big for God ', I realized that as  much as I would love to offer comfort in this matter (for I understand that some situations can be so severe that it has a devastating impact on a person), I also know that I need to speak edification and truth into it.  What I am writing about today may come across as insensitive and unkind. But I pray that you will hear my heart as you read it.  It's my unkind, loving love letter.  Source: Internet 1) Do you recognize the

Solace or Edification?

In troubled times, our heart and emotion often tend to crave for comfort.  For solace and warmth.  For comforting words and gestures.  I agree comfort and solace is good and has its place. After all 2 Cor 1:4 tells us that God is God of all comfort  and that He  comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.  So, we are to comfort those who are in any trouble.  Although there is a time to encourage those who are troubled with warm words, often, what is truly needed more is an edification in the Word and in the spirit  (at least  for me) .  Yes, such edification may not sound as kind and loving as emphatic words like "I understand how hard that must be" or "God is with you" or "We are here for you".  And yes, words of edification may sound harsh, like we're not trying to be considerate and understand what the other party is going through.  Wh

You are missing Me now

'Irene, you are missing Me now.' Yes, the Holy Spirit said that to me.   Last Saturday, I attended an online ministering session by Ps Mark Heman . (Ps Mark Heman leads a  powerful  Spirit filled ministry called Jesus Encounter Ministry. Just visit his YouTube channel and you'll see so many testimonies of miracles, healings, deliverance, encounters and so much more.) A beloved brother in Christ suggested that I bring Daniel and attend his online session via Zoom, for obvious reasons.  So, I attended last Saturday's session.  I brought both my children together with me in my study room. But children being children, they left the room after the praise and worship session, wanting to do something else. I told myself that I will go and get Daniel back into the room when the healing/ ministry time starts later on. But while Ps Mark Heman preached (he spoke about "making room for God's glory"), the session suddenly went into a time of ministry with people manife