My God Story: Part 6.4 - Receive, sister!

"Receive, sister!"

These were the words spoken to and over me the Sunday morning after my pinpoint moment. 

Continuing on my God story after my pinpoint moment on 23rd June 2019 (you may read about it here), our family were in KL the following week. 

The short break proved to be very much needed. Not only did we enjoy a short family vacation, we also had such a wonderful time of fellowship with family in Christ whom we know from our Kerteh days, brother and sisters whom we have not met for a long while. 

That Sunday on 30th June 2019, we visited Faithline KL. At the end of the service, both my husband and I went up for prayer. When the pastor prayed over me, I started crying and praying aloud, in tongues. 

I wrote about my Holy Spirit baptism experience previously. And I described instances of being so immersed and lost in the Spirit that I can describe myself as 'losing control of my tongue'. (You may read about it here.) That Sunday is one such instance. 

Being surrounded by strangers, I was completely oblivious to what was happening around me. I don't even recall me lying down. I lost track of time and all. All I knew and remembered was I was praying in loud, heavenly tongues. Uncontrollable tongues. 

And when I finally calmed and stopped, my face was wet with tears. 

I knew God was continuing the work He has started to do in me. The Holy Spirit took over. And had complete control over me. 

(Because had it not been the Holy Spirit, I would be too self-conscious to pray so loudly! 😂)

I was so refreshed and renewed after the service, just like a fully charged battery again.  

The funny thing is that I couldn't recall what the pastor prayed at the time at all. Only these two words "receive, sister" remained loud and crystal clear till today. 

It was as though after God pinpointed me and turned me around the previous Sunday, He was then downloading something new unto me. 

And all I needed to do was to receive. 

Source: Internet

Beloved in Christ, I've described my experience as a battery being charged. 

Indeed, truly, I was a depleted battery then. As I laid there on the floor, praying in tongues, uttering sounds unknown to my mind, I was in the realm of the power source. Like a battery getting connected to the power socket which has been switched on. 

How does a battery get fully charged? 

Simply by being plugged in to a live power source and staying plugged in long enough. 

So, brothers and sisters in Christ, are you feeling like a drained battery today? 

The solution is quite simple and straight forward. 

1) Plug in to the only true living power we will ever need.  

Haven't you heard the great multitude in heaven declaring that power belong to the Lord our God (Rev 19:1)? 
After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, “Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God!

2) Receive.

Just as the pastor prayed and urged my spirit man to "Receive, sister!" repeatedly, my part is only to receive. 

It really is quite similar to us receiving our salvation, our healing, our deliverance and all that we need in life. It is not in toiling and earning. It is about receiving. 

The battery needs only to stay and get charged. Similarly, we need only to be still and to receive a refreshing, recharging from the Lord. 

But how to get plugged in and to receive, you asked? 

The answer is in Jude 20. 

But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,

That was what happened to me. That was how I got charged - while praying in the Spirit. 

3) Stay plugged in.  

No battery can ever get charged fully, if it keeps getting unplugged. And technology teaches us that it will hamper the lifespan of the battery.

The bible teaches us to abide in Christ. So, stay plugged in at all times!  

As I share about my battery charging experience, it is my prayer that all batteries of the Lord shall remain fully charged at all time! 

Beloved brothers and sisters, if ever you feel tired/ drained/ discouraged, remember where the source of power is and plug yourself in, praying in the Holy Spirit! 

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