My God Story: Part 6.3 - Pinpoint

You may have already read my account on my 'night' and 'day' season. But if you haven't, you can read it here

Today, I'm going to attempt to chronicle down this journey, how God turned my night to dawn to bright day light. 

Here comes the funny story of how it started. One Sunday morning (23rd June 2019 to be exact) while we were in church. 

The praise and worship session had just ended and there was some sort of a performance on stage. Out of the blue, my husband said to me, "Let's go visit this other church." 

(Yes, you read it correctly - in the middle of Sunday service at one church, my husband wanted to go visit another church.)

I looked at him, trying hard to disguise the disbelief and agitation in my heart (I mean, we were still in the midst of church service), and I asked if we should perhaps visit the following Sunday instead. 

But he was adamant that we leave and go right away. The service at the other church (which is my church now, Kingdomcity) starts at a later time. So, I complied. We took our things, picked the children up from Sunday School and the rest, as one would say, is history. 

(Later my husband would tell me that, at that time, he didn't even know where the church service is held nor what time it starts. He simply heard God said, "If you want the breakthrough, get up and go now." (I'm quoting him word for word here) So, what did he do? He simply 'Googled' the location right then and there. 😂) 

I still remember the first time we stepped into service. 

It's half way through praise and worship. The place was dark (the lights were dimmed). All around us, people were singing songs that I have never heard before (Let's admit it, every church tends to have different sets of song). Since we're new, we didn't put the children to the Kidschurch. And although we were late, the ushers managed to sort out 4 chairs for us at the last row. 

I remember feeling out of place and all self-conscious. (Please remember this is my pre-identity in Christ period. I was still suffering from a strong sense of in-identity.😂 You can read about my in-identity here.)

I remember carrying my youngest toddler, Esther (who was 2 then), at the back of the hall throughout the preaching because she wouldn't stop crying. 

I remember the sermon - have we put a cap (and a limit) on the revival that God has poured out for us, on us? 

I remember hesitating and playing a tug of war with my spirit man when the pastor made an altar call, asking those who would like to dedicate their life back to God to raise their hand. I only raised my hand after the pastor asked 3 rounds. 😅 (I'm so thankful my pastor, Ps Fiona, didn't just give up and stop asking. She waited.)

I remember the words the pastor said as I raised my hand. My spirit man heard it as a loving embrace from my Abba Father, "You are so worth waiting for." 

I remember crying deep inside my heart (although I tried hard not to let the tears show on my face) during the worship after the altar call.

I remember my husband taking Esther from me and encouraging me to join the others who went to the front (near to the stage) to worship. 

I surprised myself when I took the first step out of my chair, then my row, then to the aisle and then all the way to the front of the hall. 

I surprised myself even more when I kneeled down, lifting my arms up wide opened, tears streaming down my face, completely ignorant of others around me. 

Right at that moment, God has started something in me. I knew it. I sensed it. But what it was exactly, I had no idea at that time. 

That Sunday morning marked the turning point of my life (Yes, even a not-so-young mother of two still can have turning point in her mid life. Haha!). 

And I'm ever thankful for my husband who was quite literally the key to me having this turning point. He heard God and obeyed, and went out of the way to make it happen. 

You know how you can precisely pinpoint your location at any one time. 

Or you can pinpoint a precise, significant time in your life (E.g. your birthdate and time, your wedding date, the first day you started work, the day you accepted Christ etc). 

In the same way, I can pinpoint that turning point and time in my life on that church hall floor on that Sunday afternoon. God pinned me down at that location and time and turned my life around. 

Source: Internet

There are two turning points in God in my life - first, my salvation and second, my transformation. How about you? 

Beloved in Christ, has God ever turned you and your life around 180 deg? Can you pinpoint that moment? Do you still remember all that had happened? 

Cherish these turning points and its memories, my brothers and sisters. For I have come to learn that these points serve as great reminder, encouragement and anchor when we are faced with uncertainties or difficult circumstances. 

I'm not saying that we should be satisfied with our turning point and stop there. But to recognize that as a point from where we grow deeper and higher in God. 

To this day, I still look back to that turning point and give thanks, praise and glory to God for bringing me out of where I was. 

Because from thereon, it's marching on to higher ground! 

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