My God Story: Part 6.5 - Stopped Up Wells

Gen 26, John 4 and John 7. 

After God pinpointed me and charged me up fully, He spoke to me through these 3 chapters in the Bible within the same month.

Now, at first glance, I'm sure one would think that there is nothing in common in these 3 chapters. Would you like to make a wild guess - what could be the common theme in Gen 26, John 4 and John 7? 

The answer: water

Yes, you read correctly, water. (You might be intrigued to read Gen 26 and John 4 & 7 after this and try to spot the "water". 😄)

Today, I would like to write about the first water, found in Gen 26 - the water in the wells. I will write about the other 2 waters in my next blog. 

On 15th July 2019, a brother in Christ came over to Sabah for work. 

Every time he was in KK, he would take time to meet with our family. So, although we had just met and gathered 2 weeks prior when we were in KL (you can read the account here), we still met him on the night before he was to fly back to KL.

And as was the 'tradition', this brother prayed over our family individually. 

After he prayed for me, he told me this: "God will dig up the wells in your life that has been closed up. Like Isaac dug up again the wells that Abraham had dug but the Philistines had closed up." He then asked me to read it in Gen 26. 

Source: Internet

Reading Genesis, you'll find the account of Abraham digging a well and swearing an oath with Abimelech, at Beersheba in the land of the Philistines, in Gen 21. 

Gen 26 then recorded that, after the death of Abraham, the Philistines stopped up all the wells that Abraham's servants had dug. They filled them with earth (Gen 26:15,18). 

In Gen 26:18, we see Isaac dug again the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father, calling them by the names which his father had called them. 

In the rest of Gen 26, we read about Isaac digging other wells - Esek, Sitnah, Rehoboth and Shebah. 

And in Gen 26:32, we read a most wonderful account:

 It came to pass the same day that Isaac’s servants came and told him about the well which they had dug, and said to him, “We have found water.”

(Do read Gen 26:23-31 on the accounts surrounding the well of Shebah.) 

At the time in 2019, it was a prophetic word for and over me by my dear brother in Christ. 

And now, 2 years on, I look back at this prophetic word and give thanks and glory to God for bringing this word to pass. 

My well was clearly stopped up, clogged up, blocked. 

In short, mine was a well with no water, clogged up with earth. It reminded me of this verse: having a form of godliness but denying its power (2 Tim 3:5). 

I remember stumbling upon Isa 12:3 on the same week that I was reading the account of Isaac: Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. 

It was nothing short of a double affirmation from the Holy Spirit that not only will He enable me to dig up all the dirt and dust that has stopped up my well, He will also see to it that I dig my well again until I shall declare like Isaac's servants did - "I have found water.'. 

The Lord made it very clear to me that I would, with joy, begin to draw water from the wells of salvation within me again. 

The wells that He had created and put in me even while I was in my mother's womb. 

The wells that had given me water when I first knew Christ.

Yet through years of ignorance and drifting far away from Him, I was so focused on self that I had forgotten about the well within me. 

Yes, I still love God, I was still a child of God (a beloved one at that), but I was also so self-centered that my eyes were not on Christ. I was so focused, and thus, conscious of my 'self' - my weaknesses, my struggles, my miseries, my sins, my unworthiness - that I didn't even realize that my eyes had drifted away from Christ. 

Forgotten and neglected, dust and dirt settled over and in my well, stopping it completely. Dust and dirt in the form of self-consciousness, self-righteousness, condemnation, anxiety, bitterness, loss of joy and peace. 

And as God begun to do a new work in me, the Holy Spirit enabled and empowered me to re-dig my well. Digging and getting rid of all the dust and dirt that were not meant to be in my well. When that was all gone, it wasn't long before I found water again. Hallelujah! 

Beloved in Christ, being more self-conscious and self-focused can come in many different forms and may look different in each one's life. I wouldn't be able to describe what my self-conscious look like here, but if you've been following my God story, I think you would already have a pretty good idea. 

Were you (or are you) like how I was once - more self-conscious and self-focused than Christ-conscious and Christ-focused? 

If yes, perhaps it is a good time to check on the condition of your wells and look for signs of any dust or dirt clogging up your wells of salvation. 

I'm ever thankful for that prophetic word spoken over me that night. I'm also ever thankful for the saint whom God has used to speak this word over my life. 

For by it, I became aware of the dust and dirt stopping up my well. 

And by it also, I was filled with hope and joy, because I know that God would bring to pass His words over me - that I would draw water again. 

That is what a word from God does to you - it brings forth a new man, a new season, a newness in you. Simply yield to Him and let Him do a new work in you. 

He who has spoken and He who speaks is faithful and powerful to bring what was spoken to pass. All glory to our Him, our God, our Abba Father! 

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