My God Story: Part 6.10 - Books

I previously wrote about sermons and preaching that had blessed me here.

Today, I would like to list down the books that had helped me grow deeper in my knowledge in the things of God. 

There are many good authors and books out there. And trust me, I have read many, many Christian books. (Haha! It's not hard to tell that I love reading right? πŸ˜„) I'm simply listing only those which had impacted me the most in my walk with God.

I don't know if it's the same with anyone else, but for me personally, I have found that different preachers and teachers ministered to me in different seasons of my life. 

Therefore, I find myself spending a bulk of my time devouring verbal and written teachings of a specific man of God over a period of time. And then, just as suddenly as I started following them, I would stopped and the Holy Spirit would lead me to another preacher/ author instead. 

It's not to say that I completely stopped listening to them, but, often, for a period of few months, I would follow one particular man/ woman of God and the Holy Spirit would teach and minister to me intensely over that period. And then, just very naturally, the Holy Spirit would guide and lead me to learn from another man/ woman of God. 

At times, He would lead me back to the same book that I have read previously and prompt me to re-read it. And voila, I was then able to (finally) read it with my eyes unveiled! 

That being said, I will list down the books by its author. 

1) Derek Prince 

I have 2 books by Derek Prince which are compilations of several books in 1 volume - Transformed for Life and Living in God's Abundance. These books are included in the compilation: The Divine Exchange, Does Your Tongue Need Healing?, Fatherhood, If You Want God's Best, The Three Most Powerful Words. 

2) Andrew Wommack 

Spirit, Soul and Body, The Believer's Authority and A Better Way to Pray are some of my favorites. 

You may also watch this short illustration of Spirit, Soul and Body by Andrew Wommack Ministries. 

One good book by Andrew Wommack will be 'Sharper Than A Two-Edged Sword'. This book provides sort of a summary for 16 of his books. I'd recommend getting this "summary" book, have a read and if you want a more in-depth study on certain topics/ books, then get the actual book itself. 

3) John G. Lake, The Complete Collection of His Life Teachings 

I got this book back in 2011, I think? But I wasn't able to read it, not until last year (2020). And I do mean I wasn't able to read it. 

Why? Because, funnily, my conscious was 'disturbed' when I first read it. 

John Lake wrote about actual, real life events and testimonies of supernatural healing. It should have edified me but, sadly, instead of a longing for such manifestation of healings, I had felt condemnation. 

Yes, please don't laugh. We visited the doctors when we fell sick. So, reading about all those mighty healings in the book, I had felt condemned and disturbed when we went to the clinic for our normal, everyday sickness like fever, cough, flu. 

That feeling most definitely did not come from God. But, unfortunately, I had let that feeling got the better of me. And I stopped reading the book. 

It wasn't until last year that I picked up the book again, and fell deeply in love with it. 

Looking back now, I can only say that I simply wasn't ready for what John Lake wrote and taught in his book. 

4) Unlocking The Bible, by David Pawson 

This book is good in helping us to understand each of the book in the Bible. It gives the background and backstory of each book. Whenever I start a book in the Bible, I would read the explanation on the book from here. It gives me insight that I would, otherwise, not know of. 

5) Lastly, the book that I'm currently reading and enjoying (But haven't finished. I'm a super slow reader πŸ˜‚) - Smith Wigglesworth, The Complete Collection of His Life Teachings. 

And of course, I could not leave this book out right? The Bible. πŸ’—

It goes without saying - If we only have time to read 1 book, choose wisely. 

Choose to read this life-giving book, the Word of God, above all other books! 

Source: Unsplash

Nothing beats reading what God says. 

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