The Multiple Facets of A Believer's Identity in Christ

First of all, I apologise for the title of my post today. 

I don't think it does justice to what I intend to describe. I know the word 'facet' is not the best choice of word to use here, neither are all the other words that I can think of: aspects, dimensions, sides, roles. 

So, for lack of better word, I will just use 'facet' to describe our identity in Christ. 😅

Before you proceed to read, a word of caution - please be prepared, you'll be reading these 3 words a lot in my post today: identity in Christ 😂 Please bear with me. 

You know how a diamond has many facets that makes it shine so beautifully, I'd like to think of a believer in the same way as well - a beautiful diamond with multiple facets of his/ her identity in Christ.  

Source: Internet

I wrote previously about the 3 important identities in life that all believers should know very, very well: The Three Whos In Our Life - who God is, who Jesus is and who he/ she is (in Christ). 

Given my life stories, I have always understood the importance of knowing who we are in Christ. But it is only as I dwell deeper in what the Scripture says, that this thought dawned on me:

Often times, a believer may not have a full and complete revelation and knowledge of his/ her identity in Christ

Myself included! Or I should say, myself being the chief of it. 

For instance, I may know that I am a child of God but may not fully see myself as the brethren of Jesus. 

Or, many may know that they are a beloved child of God, and with that, a brother (sister) of Jesus, but not fully realised that they are a royal people, chosen and set apart for God. 

So, you see, beloved in Christ, it is entirely possible for us to not fully see and grasp who we truly are in Christ. 

Let's see it from the view point of how we normally identify (label) ourselves. We all play different roles in our lives in different context - son/ daughter to our parents, husband/ wife to our spouse, father/ mother to our children, brother/ sister, friend, boss or employee, colleague... the list goes on and on. 

So, you see, we have multiple facets to who we are, in what we would term the secular world/ life. 

I know this is not the best way to describe or to compare to our identity in Christ. But I hope that gives you an idea of how incomplete our knowledge and understanding can be of who we are in Him. 

I have joined a group of saints in a mini bible study exercise on precisely this topic of 'Our Identity in Christ' since the beginning of 2022. And this past week, I felt that the Holy Spirit has been drawing me over and over again to these words - "our identity in Christ". 

So, I would like to write more on my understanding and reflection of each of these facet of our identity in my future posts. For now, let's have a brief look at these facets. (There are more, you may argue, and I agree 😄. But these are the ten that I would like to study and focus on.) 

In Christ, 

  1. I am a son (daughter) of God
  2. I am Jesus' brother (sister)
  3. I am a saint
  4. I am His elect
  5. I am a king and a royal priest
  6. I am the branch of the Vine
  7. I am a member of Christ
  8. I am the body of Christ 
  9. I am an ambassador of Christ
  10. I am the light of the world

Beloved in Christ, it is my heart's prayer that every believer (myself included) will have a full, complete and perfect knowledge and understanding of these multiple facets of our identity in our Lord Jesus. And thereby, living a full and complete and perfect life. 

That, I dare say, is a life lived on earth as it is in Heaven! 

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