Blog-niversary: One for Him!

I hadn't realised that it's already been a year since I started my blog. 

You know that phrase that you hear everyone says and repeats (and agrees on): time flies? 

Guess what? It is true. Time really does fly. 

As I penned down in my first blog post, Irene In Christ, I have always loved writing. 

Or, maybe I should say that I have always loved words. It seems to me that God has given me a passion, and (I would like to think) a talent, for words and with words. So I've always been writing. With pen and paper, that is. Keeping a sort of journal on my life with God. 

It was only when a beloved brother (well, mentor would be more accurate) in Christ encouraged me to start a blog, that I started considering the possibility of my stories, my revelations, my journey with God as something more than just my personal and private journal. 

This was what he said to me. You have to leave behind something that outlasts you in this world. What better way than to pen down our convictions and lessons we have learned and place it on the internet. What God has revealed to you will reach a specific group whose lives will change as they read. 


I have also always been more reserved and shy and, therefore, was hesitant about writing and sharing it out at first. They are, after all, my personal and private life journey and life lessons with God. 

Nevertheless, I started writing but only shared it with a selected, close few. 

(In hindsight now, a part of it was still my lingering struggle with my in-identity. 'What will others think of my writing? What will others think of me?' See, sadly, again, the focus was still on my 'self'. 🙈)

Slowly, as I wrote and shared more and more (and as God heals and renews me more and more), my heart behind my writing becomes clearer and clearer: 

I just want God to be known. And to be known loud and clear. 

I actually have a very low reader count. But I can totally understand it - people usually do not have time (nor the patience) to read through long writings. And yes, I'm very much aware that my writings tend to be awfully long at times. 🙈

Trust me, I've tried my best to keep my words few and concise. But alas, I'm quite a rambler. 😂 

What's more, the Holy Spirit seems to always (almost every single time) lead and direct my writing to more than what I have initially intended to write. And so, longer it goes. Haha! 

And at times, He directs me on an entirely different path altogether. Sometimes, as I write, new revelations would come, or new promptings would come. And I would stop what I am writing and follow the prompting, leaving the freshly started blog entry in draft mode for, well, as long as the Holy Spirit wants me to leave it. 😂 Yes, interruptions and detours happened frequently on my Irene In Christ blog. 

But in all honesty, I don't mind it one bit. It is His blog really. 

These are my typings, my words, my stories, my experiences. But really, He is the one behind it all - my fingers hitting away on the keyboard, my English, my mind speaking out those words. 

He is the story teller. He is my story's teller. He is the author and finisher of my life. 

We all know the famous saying, right, that God is the one writing our stories? Indeed, He starts my story, He is still writing it now and until the day that I go to be with Him forevermore in Heaven, I know my story will be good. It will be worth telling. It will be worth sharing. 

In writing my blog, there are so many things that do not matter - the low reader count, the detours, the response - they all don't matter. 

Because what matters most is simply this: God be glorified! 

Then secondly this: That among those who read my stories and my revelations, someone will be encouraged, edified and built up. Even if that is only one person. 

Yes, if my story reaches and touches only one heart for Him, I am more than joyful! 

So, I felt it apt today, even as I am writing this, to theme today's entry as:


One year of journaling for God (and prayerfully, more to come 😀). 

Reaching the one for Him (of course, more would be better, haha!). 

Source: Internet

Beloved in Christ, our stories are all testimonies and proof of God's nature - all good, all loving, all powerful, all mighty, all holy, all pure, all wonderful, all lovely...

Every time I talk about God, I felt such an acute frustration - human earthly language simply does not have any word that is enough to describe all that God is. Don't you agree?

Truly, dear brothers and sisters, God writes our story, each a beautiful masterpiece. 

As I continue to share my stories, I pray that I will continue to show God's goodness to 'one' which He wants me to reach. 

And I encourage you to also continue (or start, if you have never done so) to tell others about what God has done in you, with you, for you and reach 'one' for Him. 

Our stories are, after all, His stories. 💖

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