My Covid God Story: God Chapter - Part 1 (Of Dreams and Visions)

You know, it's been quite some time since God spoke to me through dream.  

Funnily enough, the last vivid dream I had from God, which I can still remember to this day was also of Daniel. In that dream, I saw Daniel and his dad walking towards me in the parking lot of a shopping mall. And somehow, in that dream, I know that Daniel was about to turn 2. 

So, when the paediatrician's first diagnosis came, telling us that 'Your son may never be able to walk. If he does walk, maybe he will never run.', I outrightly rejected it. I could do so with such great confidence because I had a dream of my healthy son who walks normally. 

So for those months before Daniel turned 2, I was filled with faith to see that dream come to pass. And I told everyone that he will start walking before 2. 

Yes, toddlers usually start taking baby steps around the age of 1. But at that age, Daniel still needed physiotherapy sessions, to train to stand upright. That was all he could do at the time - lifting and supporting himself to stand upright from a sitting position. 

Then, 6 months before turning 2, Daniel started taking steps with assistance. And then, just few months before turning 2, he started walking on his own. Steadily. 

I dreamed that dream when I was pregnant with him, so that is an almost 9 year old dream now.   

9 years has passed, without another dream from God. If I say that I don't yearn for another dream or vision from God about my son, I would be lying. 

Yet, 9 years passed without so much of a glimpse even. 😂

And then...

About 3 weeks ago, I had a dream. 

If you can remember the dream that I had 3 nights before I was tested Covid positive (If you don't, you may read about it here), I mentioned that there were 2 sisters who were in my dream looking for my son together with me. 

I also told about how, in my struggle with tormenting thoughts, 3 connect sisters video-called me, prayed over and with me and spoke peace and faith into the situation that we were in. 

And I tell you, it could not be more timely! Their love, their prayer, their intercession came right at the moment that I needed it! 

And what's more, believe it or not, the 2 sisters who were in my dream were in that video-call speaking life and faith to me! 


Well, call it what you like, but I know it is definitely a God-incident! 

The thing with dream and vision is this - It is like God opening a window (or maybe a peephole 😅) for us to take a look into what lies ahead. It prepares us for what is to come. It puts us in action (in prayer, in spiritual warfare or whatever it may be) to nullify the bad that may come. 

My husband rebuked the dream, prayed for covering over the family and had peace. Me, on the other hand, was still, erm...worried: What could it have meant? Is something going to happen to my son? Something not good? Well, ever the anxious Irene, ain't I? 😅

As one sister comforted and reassured me when I confided in her of my fear of what the dream might mean, she reminded me that God gives me the dream so that I can pray and cancel any schemes of the enemy. 

What she said was so true - the dream was given, not for me to have fear (God definitely will not give me anything that could cause me fear).

The dream was given for me to pray against the plan and the weapon that was being formed. 

And I can't emphasise enough how thankful I am for that dream. 

It going us praying. 

It made me see God's hands upon my life. 

It reminded me that God knows everything about my life. And my loved ones' lives. 

It reassured me that God is in control. Over my life. Over all the things that are precious to me. He is in control over everything.

Whether it was 9 years ago, or now, or 9 years later, or even if it's 90 years later, He knows everything, He is in control and His hand is in my life. In my children's lives. In my childrens' childrens' lives. 

Source: Internet

Beloved in Christ, having dreams and visions from God is a promise in the Bible. We will dream dreams. We will see visions. 

So, desire it. And ask God for a dream, for a vision. 

And then, receive that dream and vision and be reminded that God not only knows the beginning and the end of us, He is in control of the beginning and the end of us. 

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