My Covid God Story: Irene Chapter - Part 1

So, yup, I caught the Covid virus as I've retold my story chronologically in my earlier post here. Although it still felt surreal that I was one of the numbers that contributed to the Covid statistics, God has, nevertheless, shown me a few things through this episode of unexpected 'covid positivity'. 😅

As you know, when one is tested positive for Covid, the procedure is to go through a certain period of quarantine. This time round, the quarantine period for me was 7 days; and 10 days for my children (who are not yet vaccinated).   

I liken my quarantine experience to a cup of coffee (or a pot of tea, if you like) being brewed

And now that we have all come out from our quarantine, I'd like to share and serve this freshly brewed coffee (I mean, revelations and testimonies 😂). 

Starting with the Irene-flavoured coffee today. 

The first thing that God showed me came the very moment I saw the 2nd line on my saliva test kit. 

It was my pride. 

Ok, this is not something I am proud to reveal and to share. But I have to be honest in all of God's dealings with me, right? 

And not just speak and write about the good stuff only. 🙈 

So, here I am prying open my hidden, ugly side, simply for 2 purposes: 

  1. To glorify God for His kindness and patience and 
  2. To (hopefully) encourage and edify someone who may need to read this, for whatever reasons. 

When I realised my result was positive, my first emotion was not one of panic or fear. But, rather a sense of frustration of 'How did I get it?' and disbelief of 'This is not possible. How come I can be Covid positive?'. 

Somewhere in the midst of all the chaos (after testing my children and all), I voiced out my exasperation: 'How come I am Covid positive?'. My hubby immediately but gently reminded me: 'That's your pride speaking.'   

I stopped in my train of thought of reluctance and disbelief. And realised that there IS a hint of pride in me, which might have been disguised as faith. I have read of John G. Lake's real life, miraculous experience of never catching the plague although being exposed to it. I devoured his testimony and teaching on how virus cannot live on and in us because we have the life of God in us. I read it and I believe it. 

But over the past few days, God had shown me that there was a fine line between faith and pride. 

Have I been so faith filled that I have become prideful of my faith (or maybe should I say, of my ability to not catch the virus)? 

Another question that hit me in that moment was the fact that God has protected my children from exposure to the virus through various ways. In fact, the week before I tested positive, my son's school was temporarily closed due to a close contact case in school. During the closure, 2 students were tested positive, but because the school was closed, Daniel was protected from being exposed. So, in my heart, I was baffled - God has protected my children over and over again, just to catch the virus from me. Why? How come? My pride (my ego) was bruised. 😂 

I had never realised this fine line that I have crossed. 

And I guess I would never have realised it, had this not happened. 

Throughout the quarantine period, God showered me with love and comfort and assurance of His grace and ability to carry us through this Covid experience. But now that everything has quietened down and settled back to normalcy, the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about this area. 

The Holy Spirit had very lovingly and gently dug up this ugly, hidden corner in me. 

I was not aware of it. I had not been careful to guard my heart against it. 

Source: Internet

Indeed, as the author of Ecclesiastes writes and warns us so wisely, 

The end of a thing is better than its beginning; The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

Beloved in Christ, it is one thing to have faith and believe God on His Words and be proud of what He does and can do for us. 

It is another thing to have faith and to be prideful. 

It is a very fine line and I hope it makes sense to you. 

Yes, believe, be filled with faith, be filled with awe and joy. Be filled with pride in God, in who He is, in what He has done and in what He is doing. Be proud of who we are in Him. Boast about Him, boast about us - what we have, what we can do. 

But beware that our boast and our pride does not lie in our self. 

So, here's the first taste of my Irene-flavoured Covid coffee - "Irene, fence your heart securely from any creeping in of pride." 💖

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