My Covid God Story: Irene Chapter - Part 2 (Stronghold and Tactic)

Now, the 2nd cup of this Irene-flavoured coffee is this - my stronghold. 

On the night that I was tested positive for Covid, God showed me where my stronghold lies: my children. 

When I saw the 2 lines, I was not shaken nor fearful. All I felt was a sense of frustration of 'how did I get it' (and of course, the sneaky pride which tried to rear its head, as I wrote in my previous post.) 

I then thought of my children (My husband and I did the test together). And we quickly did a test on them. When Daniel's kit showed 2 lines, I was immediately stricken with fear and worry (of what would happen to Daniel) and guilt and condemnation (of having caught the virus and spreading it to him).  

After sorting things out and putting Daniel to sleep, I cried so hard, telling God that I know I need to rebuke those thoughts of fear and of condemnation and that these tormenting thoughts were not from Him. I also told God honestly how hard it was - to fight and resist those thoughts. I asked God (erm, well, more like ugly crying pleading to Him) to help me. 

Believe it or not, right that minute, God sent His angels to minister to me. But that is another cup of God -story coffee, which I shall share another time. 😁

Now back to my stronghold...

Well, my use of the word 'stronghold' to describe it may be incorrect, but that is how I felt it is.

I've come to realise that my children has always been my weak point. A weak point which the enemy knows and has always used as a leverage against me. He knows that if there is anything that can pierce through my shield, it has to do with my family. πŸ˜”

Let's look at the Strong's concordance for the original Greek word for stronghold: ochurΓ³ma, which means a fortress, strong defence, a stronghold. Seem like a good word, isn't it? But I'm referencing stronghold in the context of 2 Cor 10. 

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

Notice how the stronghold(s) in our life that needs to be pulled down is/ are connected to arguments and high things, thought and disobedience. 

The NLT version translates it as such: knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.

Truly our strongholds always lie in our thoughts, in our mind. 

Mine has always been a stronghold of these thoughts: anxious thoughts about the well-being of my family (children in particular) and fear for both their now and their future. 

Source: Internet

When I knew that Daniel was also Covid positive, my mind played out the worst scenario that could have happened. Seriously, all the things that I have read or heard about Covid all surfaced itself, rearing its ugly head in my mind - fever, flu, cough, attack on the lung, pneumonia, loss of smell and taste, the list goes on and on. 

(What's more, Daniel has a special condition, which could have worsened the symptoms - the enemy whispered in my head over and over). 

I rebuked those thoughts and declared health, healing and protection, just as God's Word has promised. I know no harm shall befall us. 

When fear and worry subsided, the enemy tried another trick. This time, with guilt and condemnation. 

You see, you were not careful and caught the virus. AND spread the virus to Daniel. Yes, you don't have any symptom. You are protected. But what if the symptoms manifest in Daniel? What if he fall really sick? This is all your fault. You see, everyone's asking from where did you get the virus? You are the source, you are the culprit. It is you! 

Now, these thoughts were harder for me to fight. I know condemnation is never from the Holy Spirit. Tormenting thoughts are from the enemy (every single time). And I cannot afford to entertain them.  

You know the word 'devil' is the Greek word diabolos. And I read in Rick Renner's teaching before that it depicts one who repetitiously strikes until successfully penetrating an object in order to ruin it, affect it or take it captive (Rick Renner, Dressed to Kill).

And I can say (sadly) that I've experienced this repetitious strikes many times over. 

When a tactic doesn't work, the enemy changes his attack point. But it is always a similar strategy: an attack through our thoughts. And he is one tenacious one, who doesn't relent. He strikes again and again, until he penetrates your shield. 

Thankfully, I have a family in Christ who helped me to say no to these tormenting thoughts. It was a literal 'casting down arguments that exalt itself against the knowledge of God' that night

And when those tormenting thoughts were dealt with, the enemy literally fled. There was victory and shalom and joy. And no place for his assault anymore. 

Through this episode, the Holy Spirit has shown me a few things:

1) I have not come to a place of complete rest (or trust or peace) in the Lord, when it comes to my children. 

When things happen, my first initial response is still always one of anxiety. πŸ˜”

2) The enemy knows our weakness very well. And will use all his tactics and methods to attack us from that weak point. 

I liken to having a small crack in our defence wall. The enemy will pour all his strength to strike repeatedly and pierce through this small crack, thereby making a big hole and gaining an entry way into the city. 

If you ask me, the best would be to have a wall with absolutely NO CRACK AT ALL! 

(I think my wall has lesser cracks now than it had before. At least I hope so πŸ˜‚.)

3) The enemy only has a few tactics up his sleeves. Recognise them. 

Whatever he had used on me this time round, he had used it before (many times, in fact). So, I've learned to remember and recognise these thoughts. 

Yes, indeed we need to recognise his strategy and his tactic. Recognise that thought and bring it into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:5). We can do it! After all, the weapons of our warfare are mighty in God (2 Cor 10:4). 

So, beloved in Christ, is there any crack (or cracks) in your wall? Have you learned to recognise the enemy's attack strategy on your wall?  

Remember, we do not war according to the flesh. The weapons of our warfare are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 

Once that argument and high thing is cast down and that thought brought into captivity, there is only 1 thing left to do - see the enemy flee and sing our praises to God! 

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