Pauls, Barnabases and Timothys
Father's Day had just passed. I had thought of writing about something that the Lord has taught me some time ago about Paul, Barnabas and Timothy few months back, but never did got around to doing that, simply because I didn't feel prompted to do so. But now, I felt the time is right. (Which explains why I'm interrupting my 'God knows me, God loves me' God-stories to write about something entirely different.) Why, you asked? Well, maybe because Father's day was just a few days ago. Or maybe, the more solid reason was that I had, at the age of 41, on Father's Day, being adopted as a spiritual daughter. Surprise! Surprise! 😁 Now, I must have gotten you all curious, haven't I - who are my spiritual parents, who adopt a 41 year old spiritual daughter? 😂 Now, age wise, they are far too young for me to call them dad and mum. But they truly are my spiritual parents who have been caring and nurturing and propelling me forward in my walk with God ever since...