My God Story: Part 3 - In Nineveh (Career)

As you're reading this, you may or may not know about my journaling journey. If you do, I hope you've had a good laugh reading my story so far. Otherwise, here are the links to Part 1 and Part 2. I would highly encourage you to read these 2 parts, or you may find it hard to follow my story. 

So, here I am continuing on Part 3 of my God story. 

At the end of Part 2 of my God story, you'll find Jonah (that is me) about to exit the wilderness (Kuching) and enter the promised land, Nineveh (Kerteh - a small town in Terengganu) through the big fish (my beloved husband).

After 3 years of long distance relationship with my other half, we finally tied the knot. 

The day we flew to Kerteh from Kuching, after the wedding, was the very first time I set foot and eyes on that town. You'd think that given my hesitance and reservations about Kerteh earlier on, it would be quite logical and understandable if I had at least visited and checked the place out first before committing myself to "marrying there". But, on the contrary, I didn't. I quite literally went by faith and in faith. 😅

We settled down quickly and nicely in marriage (honeymoon years, nonetheless, haha!). And I found myself getting employed within a month. 

Source: Internet

In the month before I found a job, although I did wonder how work would be like now (after all, I had rejected God's best for me years ago), I was at peace. I didn't fret about looking at job advertisement or sending out resume to various companies. I had wanted to just take things slow and maybe just enjoyed newly wed life a lil longer. 

My husband (let's call him T) sent my resume to 2 consultant firms in Kerteh. After a week, I was called to an interview with one of the companies (let's call it M). And was offered a position the next day. To be honest, T and I had initially wanted to wait for an interview at the other company as well (it was a bigger company). But after praying, we felt peace to accept the offer, especially T. 

So I accepted the job offer after a few days, only to receive a call that afternoon for an interview at the other, bigger company. Although I was very tempted to go and try it out and should I be successful, to decline the first job offer (because you know, the prospect of working with a bigger company looks good right?), I didn't. 

To this day, I looked back at that decision and thank God for His love, His direction, His blessing and His provision. 

I had been and still am so blessed working at M. Can you believe that I am now still working for my company M (and still prospering), even after having moved out of Kerteh? 

Yes, I am still working part time from home in KK (across the South China Sea far away from Kerteh!) - thanks to technology and of course, because of God's blessing. In this season of economic turmoil, downsizing and retrenchment due to general economy situation and the covid pandemic, I am still employed. 

In the eyes of common sense, working at a bigger, more established firm would have been the better decision. So I should have jumped at the opportunity for an interview and see if, perhaps, God will bless me with a better job, a higher salary, a brighter career path. Even though we had already sought God and received peace with our first decision. 

Of course, I have no way of knowing how things will turn out if I had gone for the 2nd interview (I might not even get a job offer, for all I know). 

But one thing I have learned through this episode is this - 

The physical often speaks louder and looks clearer and therefore, appeal more (be it positively or negatively) to our senses. But it is only by our spirit that we are able to discern the things of God. 

Throughout my walk with God, this has proven true time and again. 

What is manifested or visible in the natural, physical realm always (I guarantee that) look and sound and feel more real to us. And it captivates our mind. Our thoughts and emotions are so easily attuned to what we see and hear and perceive in the natural.  

In so many ways, our logical mind can counter that peace and assurance from God, if we do not exercise what the Bible teaches us in 2 Cor 10:5. 

casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

Our train of thoughts/ reasoning/ analytical thinking (whatever one may call it) will evaluate all aspects of the situation and tries to reach to a decision. 

And in the process, we sometime forget what the Bible says - make our requests known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:6-7). 

In my case, after we have prayed and received peace for our decision to work with M, the call for an interview with the other company presented itself as an opportunity for a greater blessing from God. Big company = big salary = better prospect, right?  

But thank God my husband, T, is rock solid in these things. Once he heard from God and has peace over a decision, he is, well, a solid rock. He (quite literally) doesn't move. 😆

(I suppose that's what makes him the perfect big fish for me, haha!)

So, you see, although the natural circumstances (the size of the company, the better prospect) all appealed to me more, it was only by our spirit that we were able to discern the direction of God. 

I am not saying that one shouldn't send out resumes and go for interviews and give your best. Please don't get me wrong.

What I am saying is that in making all life's decisions (especially the big ones), be sure to judge and decide based on God's direction instead of natural circumstances. 

My rejecting Kerteh 6 years earlier and my accepting the smaller company M are great classic examples - my very personal and contrasting examples of following senses vs following God. 

And I'm sure you don't need me to tell you which is better...

So, beloved in Christ, truly let the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. And see the goodness of the Lord come through and manifested in every situation you are in in every day of your life. 

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