Rescued, Redeemed, Restored, Transformed!

I previously wrote about how I refused to go to Kerteh in the beginning and by doing so, I ignorantly yet willfully disobeyed God's will. Read them to understand my story better. 😀

I now know that it is partly due to my lack of knowledge in the Lord. I became a Christian, not knowing much. At the time, I didn't have a clear understanding about "the will of God" nor did I know that the Holy Spirit actually, really speaks to us and directs us. 

As I was reflecting on my big fish season, 2 truths became so clear to me. 

The first truth that dawned on me was this - I was a Christian, alright, but I was a shallow, surface Christian. 

Unfortunately, even after moving to Kerteh, my knowledge in Christ and in the deep things of God, although deepened and grew, it was still veiled in certain areas. 

The second truth was this - I see and testify that God redeems my story and makes all things beautiful. As I wrote in Part 2 of my God story, God redeemed me and did not deal with me according to my rebellion and disobedience. My God is full of grace! 

Yesterday, as I read this devotion from Sparkling Gems by Ps Rick Renner, A Rescue Operation, I see the truth resonating deeply in my spirit. 

Source: Internet

I have had a personal renovation carried out by Jesus! He has completed a rescue operation in me. And Hallelujah, because Jesus never gave up on me and keeps on working in me, I am being restored from glory to glory. 

And I like the picture above, which says "Rebranding and renovation in progress". It described me very well - After Jesus completed the renovation work in me, I am being re-branded. 

I'm given a new brand name. I'm now identified as Irene in Christ! 

2 Cor 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
I am being transformed, by beholding His glory (2 Cor 3:18), through the renewing of my mind (Rom 12:2), removing veils and hindrances, increasing in my knowledge of Christ (2 Pet 1:3).  
Beloved in Christ, read 2 Cor 3:18 again. It tells us that we are being transformed (being redeemed and restored), from glory to glory, into the same image. What is this "same image" that we are being transformed into? It is the glory of the Lord! 

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