
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Other Cheek, The Cloak and The Second Mile

In my church's cell group teaching last week, we learned about living with a peacemaking disposition and  studied what Jesus taught in Matt 5:39-41.  Source: Internet It is something every Christian (and perhaps every non-Christian too) would know.  I mean, come on, it IS famous alright? (Even before I became a Christian, I've heard of the bible teaching that when someone slaps you on one cheek, you are to offer your other cheek too.) Anyway, in the cell group teaching, the preacher expounded on these verses in the context of the society in the days of Jesus. ( Below is a brief explanation of it. You can read more  here , under the heading of "Nonviolent resistance interpretation".) 1) On the other cheek : At the time of Jesus, when someone strikes another person on the right cheek, using his left hand (obviously), he is implying that the person is of a lower status. Thus, by turning the other cheek, the person receiving the slap was demanding equality in a gentle and

My God Story: Part 6.1 - Night to Day

Note : If you have been following my God Story, I'm sorry that the following few entries will not be a continuation from where I last left off in Part 5, the stories of my son.  Although I still have much to write about on my Kerteh days, I will be writing about the season where my family and I moved out of Kerteh to my husband's hometown, Kota Kinabalu, KK instead. ( So, I am skipping forward in my God Story as prompted by the Holy Spirit , instead of following a chronological order as I had originally planned to.) After being in Kerteh for seven years myself (eleven years for my husband), the time finally came for my husband to be transferred. And so our family (now a family of four 😄) moved to KK.  Although, in many aspects, KK should have been the promised land as compared to Kerteh , I found myself entering a season of depression.  One would question why.  A fter all, after seven long years of being in a small and isolated  town and being far away from family, surely KK i

The explosion in July 2021

In my last entry, I wrote that something exploded in July 2021.  I haven't gotten round to chronicle what happened (which I absolutely plan to) but I'm making sure to keep a record of what transpired.  Source: Internet On 28th June 2021, Ps Ashok posted a spiritual exercise to the group :  For this exercise, I would like you to first memorize Psalm 16 using the NKJV. This psalm has only 11 verses and is written by David. Interestingly, Peter quotes part of  this psalm in Acts 2:25-28 and says that David was speaking of Jesus, he was describing the experience of Jesus.  Once you have memorized the psalm, look at the quote in Acts. See if you can detect any difference between the two passages. I have told you before that whenever you see a passage from the Old Testament quoted in the New, look up both passages; for more often than not, you will receive insight and revelation when you compare the passages. On 29th June 2021, this was what I responded, word for word.  When Apostle


Some of you might have noticed that Irene In Christ has gone into hiatus. (A slightly more than a month long hiatus, at that.) Source: Internet What has happened, you may wonder.  Well, there wasn't much happening for about a month since my last post in end of June, apart from the fact that my children are now at home 24/7 due to the semi-lockdown.  So, yes, I could account my silence on this space due to busy-ness with the kids, if I want to. But truthfully, I just didn't feel the need nor the desire to write.  I had wanted to continue my God story - I mean I could tell the story of my daughter, Esther, which is a logical chronology after penning down my God stories with Daniel. But somehow, I just didn't.   I remember in the month of May, I felt a sudden strong desire and yearning for the Holy Spirit. For Him, for His works, for His leading, for His power, for His working in and through me.  And I remember telling myself I need to know more about Him from the Bible, which